‘You Can Be A Successful Chartered Accountant’ by Author Ajinkya Potdar



Chartered Accountancy, one of the most sought after professions in the country. Over the years we have all become well aware of how tough this particular field is. Strenuous, challenging, hard work but nonetheless Each passing year you hear of more and more aspiring CA students. After all, the sweet success that comes after all the endless hours of effort put in all gets paid off.

Breaking the stigma of having to crack the CA exams in the first attempt itself is one of the highlights of this book. You can let out that sweet sigh of relief as Author Ajinkya Potdar through his book ‘You Can Be A Successful Chartered Accountant’, narrates a very relatable fictitious story for every aspiring CA out there. The Book offers invaluable lessons to the young and growing tribe of aspiring Chartered Accountants. It traverses despair, broken confidence to instant change in emotions and confidence, and ultimately an achievement and motivation, which makes failure at examination a non-event.

The author has done a brilliant job od addressing key doubts in the minds of aspiring Chartered Accountants through the example of a fictious story CA Krishna Kumar. The unique tale of a firm which only hires CAs who have taken multiple attempts to clear the exams is very though provoking.

As an aspiring Chartered Account one would have a million questions running through their mind. ‘Is it necessary to clear the CA exams in the first attempt and possibly also secure a rank to make a name as a reputed and in demand CA? Is it necessary to complete Articleship only from a large reputed firm to succeed in chartered accountancy as a career? Such and many more questions are addressed through the fiction character ‘Mr. Krishna Kumar’ by the Author Ajinkya Potdar is his book ‘You Can Be A Successful Chartered Account’.

Two of the most well known and eminent personalities in the industry- CA Shailesh Haribhakti and CA TP Ostwal have also given forewords for the book.

Go pick up your copy today and not just get answers to all the zillion questions that must’ve been on your mind all this time, but also enjoy your journey as an Aspiring Chartered Account with your guide to becoming a successful CA.


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