What are the JEE Main 2021 Latest Updates & What do they suggest?


What are the JEE Main 2021 Latest Updates & What do they suggest?

What are the JEE Main 2021 Latest Updates & What do they suggest?

As per the announcement of Mr. Ramesh Pokriyal, JEE Main 2021 is likely to be conducted in 4 cycles from February onwards. The test will span for 16 days including 384 question papers in 12 different languages. The official dates for the JEE Main 2021 February session will be released soon on the official website. The application forms will be likely to be available online by December itself.

The JEE Main 2021 exam will now be conducted each month starting from February to May. Till the official updates about the dates are out, we may look into the other latest notifications here below.

  1. Due to the reduction in CBSE 2020 – 2021 syllabus, the syllabus of the exam will be affected.
  2. The B.Plan paper will be treated as the 3rd paper now.
  3. Also, the top 20 percentile rule is scrapped.

JEE Main 2021 – Exam Pattern, JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates, and Syllabus

Though the JEE Main 2021 exam dates are now out, there are some very important updates on the exam pattern. The number of questions is reduced for each paper, and numerical-based questions are introduced. Also, B. Planning will be a separate paper from now on. Mentioned below is the exam pattern.

Specialization/ course B. E/ B. Tech B. Arch B. Planning
Mode of Examination Online Offline and Online Online
Duration 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
Total subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics Aptitude Test, Mathematics Test, and Drawing Test Aptitude Test, Mathematics and Planning based questions
Number of questions 75 questions (25 questions from each subject) 77 questions ( Aptitude test-50 marks, Mathematics- 25 marks, and Drawing Test- 2 marks) 100 questions ( Aptitude test-50 marks, Mathematics -25 marks, and Planning- 25 marks
Type of questions Multiple Choice Question +Numerical-value type questions Multiple Choice Question +Numerical-value type questions + Drawing Multiple Choice Question +Numerical-value type questions + Planning
Marking Scheme for MCQ +4 for each of the correct answers and -1 for every wrong answer +4 for each of the correct answers and -1 for every wrong answer +4 for each correct answer and -1 for each wrong answer
Marking Scheme for Numerical-value type questions +4 for each correct answer and no negative marking for a wrong answer +4 for each correct answer and no deduction marking for a wrong answer +4 for every correct answer and no negative marking for wrong answers
Maximum Marks 300 marks 400 marks 400 marks
Medium of Paper English, Hindi, and Gujrati. English, Hindi, and Gujrati. English, Hindi, and Gujrati

JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates, and Events (Tentative)

As the official schedule of JEE Main 2021 exam dates is not released yet, let’s look into the  tentative dates as mentioned in the below table:

Events JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates
Registration Starts 1st week of December 2020
Registration Closes 2nd week of December 2020
JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates – Form Correction 3rd week of December 2020
Admit Card Release 4th week of December 2020
JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates (January Session) January or February 2021

JEE Main 2021 Syllabus

The CBSE class 10 & 12th syllabus is reduced. So, along with the probable change in JEE Main 2021 exam dates, the syllabus of the exam may change. Mentioned below is the syllabus as of now.

For B.E/ B. Tech Physics Syllabus:

Physics and Measurement Kinematics Laws of Motion
Work, Energy, and Power Rotational Motion Gravitation
Properties of Solids and Liquids Thermodynamics Kinetic theory of Gases
Oscillations and Waves Electrostatics Current Electricity
Magnetic Effects and Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Electromagnetic Waves
Optics, Electronic Devices, Communication System Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Atoms and Nuclei

Chemistry Syllabus:

Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds
States of Matter General Principles and Processes of Metal Isolation Some basic principles of Organic Chemistry
Atomic Structure Hydrogen Hydrocarbons
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) Organic Compounds containing Halogens
Chemical Thermodynamics P- Block Elements Organic Compounds containing Oxygen
Solutions d-and-f Block Elements Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen
Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Coordination Compounds Polymers
Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules, Chemistry in Our Everyday Life & Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

Mathematics Syllabus:

Sets, Relations, and Functions Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Matrices and Determinants
Permutations and Combinations Mathematical Induction Binomial Theorem and It’s Simple Applications
Sequences and Series Limit Continuity, and Differentiability Integral Calculus
Differential Equations Coordinate Geometry Three Dimensional Geometry
Vector Algebra, Mathematical Reasoning Statistics and Probability Trigonometry

For B. Arch and B. Planning Syllabus:

Aptitude Syllabus for Part 1 Aptitude Syllabus for Part 2 Drawing Test Syllabus Planning-based Questions
Subjects and objects associated with Architecture and as building elements Structure and drawing of geometrical or dynamic shapes and examples Portraying of scenes and exercises from the memory of urbanscape and scenes from open spaces, festivals, markets, road scenes, trees, plants, etc. General awareness regarding government schemes, development issues, etc.
Familiarization with places, relevant people, materials/objects, and structures/buildings 3D perception Making two-dimensional and three-dimensional pieces utilizing given shapes and structures. Critical thinking, Analytical skills, Comprehension, Graphs, Charts, Map reading skills, etc.
The ability of visualizing various sides of 3D items, Transformation capabilities of 3D objects from 2D drawings, The mental capability of Analytical and Reasoning concepts Changes of structures between both 2D and 3D figures and their inter-relations, surface, and volume development, subtraction, heights  – Social Sciences of CBSE Class 10th standard.

Students may see a few changes not only in the syllabus. Also, the exam pattern will be slightly different come 2021. The National Testing Agency will conduct it in 12 languages. The JEE Main 2021 exam dates will also change to a certain extent and will be announced soon.

Aspirants must keep preparing and also stay tuned to News Channels and Official Platforms to stay updated. Besides, aspirants must take good care of health as well. We wish all the best for the exam.

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