Chandigarh, After the grand success of the previous edition of Gully Cricket tournament, UT Cricket Association (UTCA) will organize its second edition from July 26. The outline of the tournament was drafted in a meeting held at UTCA office, Sector 16 . The meeting was chaired by President Sanjay Tandon who announced that this event will be organised in association with Chandigarh Police. The first match of the tournament will be held from July 26 while the final match will be staged on August 11.
UTCA’s Gully Cricket tournament from July 26
Chandigarh, After the grand success of the previous edition of Gully Cricket tournament, UT Cricket Association (UTCA) will organize its second edition from July 26. The outline of the tournament was drafted in a meeting held at UTCA office, Sector 16 . The meeting was chaired by President Sanjay Tandon who announced that this event will be organised in association with Chandigarh Police. The first match of the tournament will be held from July 26 while the final match will be staged on August 11.