The Knowledge Bus Global School organized the Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2018-2019


The Knowledge Bus Global School organized the Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2018-2019

To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of functioning of the administrative body, the Student Council was formed at The Knowledge Bus School .The chief guest for the event was Deepkamal Singh, DSP, Kharar . Chief Guest DSP Deepkamal Singh and principal of the school conferred the designated students  with badges and sashes. The students’ council took the pledge to hold the school motto of Loyalty, Truth and Honour in high esteem.

The Knowledge Bus Global School organized the Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2018-2019

Chief Guest DSP, Deepkamal Singh congratulated them and admonished them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties. He also exhorted them to uphold the values. He reminded them that with position comes responsibility towards themselves, their school and peers and struggles help one to achieve heights.

The Principal of the School Garima S Bhardwaj also appreciated and congratulated them. She advised them to be role models and extended a supporting hand to the students’ council for the smooth running of the school. She reminded them they are the torch bearers of all the values that the school stands for and urged them to take up the responsibility with commitment and integrity. She further added We believe that the child centric approach will frame a responsible citizen



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