The killer will kill the evil inside humans

Comedy, Drama, Mute Film Series, The Killer Launched


The killer will kill the evil inside humans

 Comedy, Drama, Mute Film Series, The Killer Launched

The Killer, a mute comedy, drama film that will eliminate the evil inside human beings in a great way, was launched today on YouTube channel by Rohit Kumar, Managing Director and actor of Mohali Magnificent Film Production Company. Rohit Dubey has given direction to this film. The role of the killer is played by Rohit Kumar, the company’s Managing Director and actor himself, while co-stars are actor Mujunal Batra and actor Ayesha.

The Killer Launched

In this context, Rohit Kumar, Managing Director and actor of Magnificent Film Production Company, said that it is necessary to eliminate the evil in the society as well as the human beings, because this tendency takes away humanity. Therefore, a small attempt has been made to end such a tendency of humans in a comical manner.

 The Killer

Rohit Dubey, Director of the film The Killer, said that there is no dialogue in The Killer, but there is an attempt to give people a positive thinking through acting, body language and through comedy. The style is similar to the old muted films but the way of presenting it is new and attractive. He told that an episode of The Killer has just been launched in which the killer ends the person’s ego in a unique way.

The killer will kill the evil inside humans

This film shows how a person forgets humanity due to egoism, after which the killer character Rohit Kumar, who is also the Managing Director of the company and a well-known actor, eradicates the egoism inside the person. This video has been very much liked by the people, in which this effort of Magnificent Film Production Company has been appreciated.

The killer will kill the evil inside humans


Rohit Kumar, Actor cum Managing Director of the company, said that the purpose of opening the company in Mohali is to provide a great platform to the young artists who aspire to become an actor, actress, model, director, cameraman or singer in the film industry. Through this platform by the company, many young artists have improved their skills and are working as directors, actors, cameraman, singers in Bollywood, Pollywood. Our company is supporting all young artists for which we are committed, he added.

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