Tarot – On the Cards


Tarot – On the Cards

Tarot - On the Cards

This week there are some simple easy switchwords that can be effectively used for various purposes. They work at different levels done with faith and persistence.

Easy to remember and follow chant them as often as you can with intent and you are most likely to see the desired result. Also, remember that your desires will manifest not in the way you imagine but in a mystical manner that is very good for you. So here goes:











The week ahead is about progress-driven particularly by the young people in your life. This is shown in the areas of work and relationships too where you will see things move forward with finances also playing a big role. The Knight of Pentacles shows vast incursions into new areas and projects that will benefit most of you. And that is kind of confirmed by the appearance of The Tower card which is transformative and life-changing. This can also bring some amount of disquiet and stress because all change can be difficult to stay in the now as far as possible knowing also that this is a passing phase. Once you sail through all this then there is a time of steadiness especially when it concerns finances and money which is reflected by the Seven of Pentacles.


When the Sun card shows up it is time to acknowledge all the blessings you have in your life. Your life, whether you see it or not, is filled with expansive, love-filled radiance that truly marks a great phase. Along with a renewed sense of abundance, you have reached a higher state of consciousness. This not only elevates you but also connects you with the Divine Light of the source Energy. This card also reflects your positive mindset and how you choose to interact with others. The Four of Swords shows that it is time to retreat from the stress and chaos of the world. If you have been experiencing any setbacks or difficulties take a moment to reflect and think about the issues at hand calmly.


Are you feeling grief, isolation and emptiness at this time? The Five of Cups seems to show that as you confront the energies of change and instability. You could be struggling to move forward despite help being close by. You could also be finding it difficult to identify the potential opportunities or support systems that surround you at this time which could trigger negativity as you lost sight of the greater blessings that are there. So it is best at this time to go with the flow and not resist anything that is showing up in your life. However, the Two of Cups shows partnerships, love and good friendships. These will help you see through all these difficult times and all those around will show positive loving respect.


The Seven of Wands serves as a positive reminder that your life is heading in the right direction even if they seem that they are not. You could also be at loggerheads with the number of things you are working on and trying to multitask. But take heart and do not be discourages by the minor setbacks you could face. Also, stay strong and assert yourself while dealing with other people. And then there is the Ten of Cups which is a great card to get – it shows great happiness in all areas of family relationships friendship and love. And it also asks you to make the most of what life has to offer. Things don’t get better than this when this card shows up.


When the card Death comes, it means the transformation of life from what you know to what is to be. It shows that something is coming to an end and you must come to terms with how this will affect your life. You could find it painful and scary at first to let go but in the long run, this will create space and room for you to breathe and just be. This is also an entry point into an entirely new state of understanding or awareness when major shifts begin to start showing up. Following this is the Ace of Cups which shows a time of new beginnings and good relationships. It is the redefinition of the cosmic ties you share with soul families and friends.


The Eight of Swords suggests an inability to move forward due to a clouded perception. This may be a strong indication that despite your fear, anxiety or sense of helplessness there is a positive solution available to you. You must step out of this negative space to be able to see the light that surrounds you. Depression-based thinking may limit your view of the world and keep you in a state of entrapment. If you feel affected by external circumstances or other people know that you alone have the power to make a change. The Four of Swords, therefore, tells you to somewhat retreat from the stress and chaos of the world. This stepping back could offer you fresh perspectives. This is however a good time for introspection and self-exploration.


Seasons change, things change and people change- and your path too will change. When the Wheel of Fortune comes you know that these ups and downs are part of life and all face them. Its greatest message is that how you respond to all this is crucial. If you then have been facing some lows, then you can be sure that things will begin to look up and soon. When the Devil card comes it is time to ask yourself what is holding you back at this time. You may even know it, but you may not be able to articulate it. It is time that you face the traps you have set for yourself in your life. This could be a negative relationship, a fearful mindset or an addiction.


The Eight of Wands is a card of swift action, transition and positive news. There are creative forces that need your personal resolve and attention maybe to do with new opportunities that are coming along. There is high energy and there are many things that you would like to try your hand at work-wise. So now is the time to set your intentions and take action. You however might need to figure out how to divide your time for all that you want to do. The High Priestess card is an indication that each contains within us the wisdom we seek. This card also encourages you to take to meditation if you have not already and make time for introspection and study. It also tells you to reclaim your personal power and use your intuition for almost all things.


The Ace of Cups marks a time of new beginnings and relationships that leave you feeling energized and happy. This could point to new bonding or deep connections with others and is a good force to contend with. This card also related to the strength of your identity self-esteem and personal convictions. And then the Three of Pentacles shows the plans being made for the future with this state of mind and also the value of collaboration, teamwork and the ability to support and identify individual strengths. This card is also an indication that you have reached a state of accomplishment and with your insight you understand the steps you need to take to maintain the momentum of success.


When the Two of Cups appears, it shows a time of great partnerships love and friendships. There are good bonds to be appreciated and to feel grateful about. There could also be new ones forged and addition to the family. For some, it could also mean the budding of a new romance and indicate meeting interesting people. This card could also represent the emergence and importance of selflove. In order to be happy in a relationship, you must first meet yourself halfway. The King of Cups points to emotions and intuitive strengths and how they have the power to change or influence our lives. It shows an ability to balance creativity and artistic expression with knowledge and wisdom.


When the Sun card shows up it is time to accept and acknowledge your blessings. It is a time for an expansive love-filled radiance that marks a joyous time in your life. The card also shows a positive mindset and how you choose to interact with others. This could also mean that the children in the family will bring honour and make you proud of their achievements, particularly if they are boys. The Knight of Cups heralds great news, an invitation or an adventure. New experiences are there on the horizon, ones that will nourish your soul and heart emotionally. You could also be considering pursuing creative ventures or projects and you should be able to identify the necessary steps to reach these goals.

Tarot – On the Cards


The Knight of Pentacles shows it is time to take action – and if the task ahead seems tedious or daunting, it is still important to remain focused and follow through. Once you do this, you will feel a renewed sense of accomplishment and the rewards will follow. This also indicates that there is the presence of a level-headed, smart and adventurous type who will make life seem more vibrant when around and this could be anyone in the family, friend or acquaintance circles. The Eight of Cups shows a soul-searching journey after which you could want to leave something behind.

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