Stray Cattle Menance:on former MP Khanna’s complaint,PSHRC directs DCS, SSPS, Principal Secy local bodies to act


Stray Cattle Menance:on former MP Khanna’s complaint,PSHRC directs DCS, SSPS, Principal Secy local bodies to act

Stray Cattle Menance

Taking strict notice of the complaint filed by former MP and Natuonal vice President BJP Avinash Rai Khanna in the stray cattle menace vis a vis collection of cow cess but no disbursal of the same to cattle pounds, the Punjab State Human Rights Commission (PSHRC) has issued directions to all the DCs, SSPs and principal secretary of local bodies department Punjab.

In their directions, Justice Ashutosh Mohunta and Justice Avinash Kaur has directed DCs to report about steps taken in their district for prevention of life and livelihood from stray cattle, whether any official committee has been constituted regarding stray animals, if yes then the names of office and constitution of body has been sought and whether cattle pond has been constructed at government allocated place.

Similarly, the SSPs have been directed to report if a committee regarding stray cattle has been constituted in their district. The principal secretary local bodies has been directed to report about the total number of stray cattle in state, accidents so far due to stray cattle, amount of cow cess collected so far and utilized and report on number of farmers and their livelihoods, till date, have been affected due to stray cattle.

Taking the issue of stray cattle menace in Punjab by the horns, the former Member of Parliament Avinash Rai Khanna had moved to the PSHRC seeking mandatory directions to implement different notifications/ letters issued by the Govt. of Punjab concerning welfare of cow & other stray animals as non action is causing violation of human rights in terms of road accidents, crop damage, physical injuries etc. He mentioned that it is an indicative of glaring stances of human rights violation.

He has added that though constitution and object of committee in itself is suffice to check violations in question but to utter shock and dismay, formation of the said committee, holding of regular meeting and subsequent administrative action failed to get due consideration thereby, resulting into instances of violation of human rights.

Stray Cattle Menance:on former MP Khanna’s complaint,PSHRC directs DCS, SSPS, Principal Secy local bodies to act

Notification imposing Cow Cess was issued by the Punjab government on May 04, 2015 to aid 472 existing gaushalas of Punjab. But till today, not even a single penny has been disbursed/ spent on the purpose for which the same has been collected. The non -disbursement is resulting into violations in reference as proper care which is possible with the collection so made has not been ensured till date.

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