Skill Development v/s Higher Education


Skill Development v/s Higher Education

Skill Development v/s Higher Education:-


For the Longest time, higher education has imparted. And taught the skills required for an individual to thrive in the world. But, recently, this has come into question. Does higher education equip the students of today for the workforce of tomorrow?

The question resonates across the globe and in India too. A recent Annual Employability survey by aspiring Minds found that 80% of Indian. Engineers are not fit for any job in the knowledge economy. In an economy and world that thrive on technology, this fact does not bode well for students. In terms of technology, it will take a few decades or more for current plans to bear fruit.

Ironically, the Industrialised world is encountering  an unmatched vocation boom especially in terms of technology. There are jobs in every position but there is a clear lack of skill requirement for the job. For example, employers often share their concern that. even when graduates come with above average academic credentials. they probably would not have learnt what they are expected to be able to done on their job.

On the other hand, skilling courses have been niche and to a shorter time period in comparison to a university degree. The skill, sets required in both old and new occupations will change in most industries. And transform how and where people work.

Skill Development v/s Higher Education

Therefore, there is an increased level of awareness for the for skilling. India is committed in transforming itself as the skill capital of the world.



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