Save water Awareness Seminar at Indus Public School
Indus Public School Organized Declamation contest, Poster making Competition under the theme save water was followed by many other activities in which students and staff members participated with full fervor and zeal.
The declamation contest focused on the importance of clean water and the development and management of water resources. The message for the day was water is a basic requirement of life. Without water, human existence is not possible.
Students were explained a technique of rainwater harvesting that are quite common now and has been trending for a long time. They were informed that water conservation should not be considered an option but a compulsion.
School Director Col. C.S Cheema and C.E.O Col. S.P.S Cheema discussed about the various techniques of saving the water and encouraged the students to use water judiciously. According to him water scarcity is measured in two mechanisms physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity.
Save water Awareness Seminar at Indus Public School
Physical water scarcity is a result of inadequate natural water resources to supply a region’s demand, and economic water scarcity is a result of poor management of the sufficient available water resources. Unfortunately we as a nation are plagued with both Physical and Economic water scarcity. Principal Parampreet Cheema further added that we all collectively have to find a solution to the water crisis in the future.