RAC Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event ‘SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM’


RAC Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event ‘SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM’

RAC Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event 'SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM'


RAC Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event ‘SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM’: – Rotaract Club Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event ‘SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM’ on October 16, 2020. Members of the Rotaract club and the animal welfare association got together at 6:30 pm to tag stray dogs and cows with reflective collars in order to avoid killings of animals due to low visibility, traffic and accidents during the night.

Rtr. Stuti Sharma, Club President, stated, “Each and every animal deserves our love and respect, especially for the ones with no home it feels great to be able to help them and take a step towards prolonging their life.” Further, she quoted Anatole France, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawaken.”

 Being glad to have taken a step towards the protection of animals, Rtr. Aman Goyal, Community Services Director and Event Chair, said, “Such effort from our side can go a long way for the animal’s life. To us it is a small thing, but for that animal it means his whole life. It felt great to have been able to make a difference in the life of these innocent animals who suffer at the hand of human error.”

RAC Chandigarh Shivalik in collaboration with Animal Welfare Association conducted event ‘SPOT THEM, SAVE THEM’

The event brought about the compassionate and protective side of all the members. It helped them realize how small efforts from their side can go a long way in making a huge difference for another life- tying the reflective collars was a small gesture but it will help them in saving many lives.

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