PSU(Lalkaar) Candidate for the post of General Secretary and Manifesto 


PSU(Lalkaar) Candidate for the post of General Secretary and Manifesto 

Talking about PSU(lalkaar), it’s candidate for the post of General Secretary – Amandeep Kaur of Philosophy Department – said that, “PSU(Lalkaar) has been working in the PU Campus for last about 2 years and this is the first time when we will be entering the electoral politics. We believe that the PU elections are dominated by the money and muscle power politics and therefore PU Student Council elections have become a breeding ground for MP/MLA elections of major political parties. Therefore real, rightfull, issue-based politics is ignored and we see a culture of DJ parties, Star nights, tour and trip culture being promoted in order to garner votes. Therefore there is a strong need of a revolutionary student movement in the campus.”
PSU(Lalkaar) Candidate for the post of General Secretary and Manifesto
“PSU(Lalkaar) has been active in the PU Campus since last two years and has been in the forefront of the struggles for students rights, like struggle against fee-hike in the last session. Besides that, we have been organizing protests on various social and political issues – be it the violation of democratic rights of people in India, or expressing solidarity with student or other mass struggles in other parts of India. We believe that the elite image for which PU is known has to be broken and this can be done by providing an alternate culture of debate and discussion, seminars on various relevant social issues as well as progressive film-shows and PSU(Lalkaar) has been doing this since last about 2 years.”
1. To oppose the privatization and commercialization of education.
2. To restore campus democracy.
3. Hostel facility must be provided to all the needy students.
4. To provide aternate space to students as reading space in PU library falls short to accomodate all the students and to struggle for a reading space in South Campus.
5. To fight against gender based discrimnation in PU.
6. To abolish contract system in the mess and fight for a co-operative mess in all hostels.


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