Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss


Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss


Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss:Feeling like your diet isn’t quite working for you? Here’s what to do instead of counting calories

Making weight loss the second most common category of resolutions after physical health. Diet’s dont work long-term. The vast majority of people eventually gain back the weight they lose, if not even more—and that lower body weight isn’t a reliable indicator of better health anyway.

Trying to change your diet in the name of losing weight is, generally speaking, misguided at best, and can do your mind and body real harm. But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from eating differently.

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

If, come New Years, you’re not feeling physically well or your relationship with food feels off, it’s not a bad idea to change the way you eat, says Blair Burnette, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at the University of Minnesota. Maybe you’re uncomfortably bloated or feeling low on energy. Maybe you notice yourself getting take-out more often than you’d like, or eating whenever you’re bored and sad. It’s possible to improve your physical and mental health by being more mindful about what you eat. Doing so may even lead to changes in your body composition. The key is to shed the misconception that losing weight should be your driving goal.

Here are five diet resolutions to consider if you’re hoping to start the new year with a healthier relationship with food—no scales required.
Add, don’t subtract

Instead of resolving to limit treats, set a goal to eat a greater variety of nutrient-dense foods. Try adding a vegetable to every meal, eating a piece of fruit for your afternoon snack each day.

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Tracking each day that you complete your habit using an app or a simple notebook can make the goal feel measurable.

The idea of adding instead of subtracting can guide you to make any meal more nutrient-dense without restricting the things you love. Instead of banishing chips and cookies from the house, aim to pair them with other foods that help you feel satiated—a side of guacamole or a scoop of nut butter, for instance. Mix leafy greens into your mac and cheese or meatloaf. Throw a handful of frozen spinach into your morning eggs.

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Drink more water

Water is a simple addition that can make a big difference for your health. water loss equal to less than three percent of your body’s weight is associated with fatigue, lowered motivation, and gastrointestinal problems like constipation

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Chronic mild dehydration might even contribute to a higher risk of developing urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. To remind yourself to guzzle a glass, tie it to another part of your routine—leave a water bottle by your bedside and take a few sips as soon as you wake up, make a cup of herbal tea for when you sit down at your desk, drink a glass whenever you brush your teeth.If drinking plain water feels like a chore, try adding in something more interesting like cucumbers, lemon juice, or flavored electrolytes.

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Fiber is the material in plant-based foods that our body’s can’t digest. For a long time, scientists thought of it as junk, says Beth Olson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Today, we know that it’s essential that In plants, fiber acts like a capsule for the nutrients the body does use, like sugar and fat, making it harder for our body to absorb them. So when we eat fiber-rich brown rice or beans.We also absorb those nutrients more slowly and feel full for longer. Plus, fiber-rich foods are often rich in other nutrients.
women aim for between 21 and 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for between 30 and 38 grams.

It’s easy, fun and, as an added bonus, may even have health benefits. People who cook at home tend to have better overall health, closer personal relationships, and a stronger sense of cultural identity

Nutrition goals that are better than weight loss

Rather than counting calories, start keeping track of how your food makes you feel. Jot down what you eat at each meal—not macronutrients and exact portions, as you would on a strict diet, but simple summaries of what went on your plate—how hungry you were beforehand, and how you felt afterward.

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Don’t force yourself to start eating a vegetable you don’t like; don’t expect yourself to cook elaborate meals on weeknights if you regularly come home exhausted; don’t furiously chug water every time you crave a soda. If the way you’re eating leaves you irritable, tired, or stressed, well—it’s not very good for your health, is it?



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