NIPER, SAS Nagar hosted Drugs De-addiction Seminar with NFPR (Punjab)


NIPER, SAS Nagar hosted Drugs De-addiction Seminar with NFPR (Punjab)


NIPER (National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research) SAS Nagar hosted a seminar on “Drug De-addiction” which was organized by National Forum for Peoples Right (NFPR ,Punjab) an international NGO. The seminar was hosted by NIPER on the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi.

Sh Balbir Singh Sidhu, Cabinet Minister, Govt of Punjab was the Chief Guest of the programme.  The event was organized at NIPER’s Management Seminar Hall. The programme was inaugurated with lamp lighting ceremony by the Minister, Prof. Raghuram Rao Akkinepally Director, NIPER and NFPR members of the NGO. General Secretary of NFPR, Punjab, and Mr. M. Jose introduced the guest speakers to the audience. Dr. Pradeep Mattu, Joint Drug Commissioner, Govt of Punjab and Dr Pooja Garg, In charge de addiction centre, Phase 11, Mohali were invited speakers to deliver the talk on Drug De-addiction.

Sh Balbir Singh Sidhu, Cabinet Minister, Govt of Punjab, Chief Guest of the programme, emphasized the need of every possibility to eradicate Drug in the state of Punjab. Minister said that these awareness programmes need to be continued in local language, block wise so that common people will be benefited. Dr. Pradeep Mattu, Joint Drug Commissioner delivered a PPT lecture on drug de – addiction in Punjab and neighboring states. He explained the names of various drugs used for addiction and suggested NIPER help the Govt in this regard. Dr Pooja Garg, In charge de addiction centre Mohali delivered lecture on clinical part especially how the medicine can be used to rehabilitate the addicts. Mr Jose Mathai, Secretary, National Forum for People Right ,Punjab welcomed and introduced the Chief guest and resource persons  and Mrs. Suman Kapil, Vice President presented vote of thanks.

Vijay K. Sharma

PR Cell, NIPER Mohali


NIPER, SAS Nagar hosted Drugs De-addiction Seminar with NFPR (Punjab)

About Photographs:

  1. Cabinet Minister addressing the gathering on Drug De-addiction Seminar at NIPER
  2. Cabinet Minister Sh. Sh Balbir Singh Sidhu, Director NIPER, Vice President of NFPR along with NIPER officials during the seminar
  3. Director NIPER & Vice President of NFPR presenting memento to Sh. Balbir Singh Sidhu along with NIPER Officials
  4. Director NIPER & Vice President of NFPR presenting memento to Sh. Balbir Singh Sidhu


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