The Mohyal Sabha, Mohali (Regd.) today held its general elections at Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Mandir and Dharamshala, Phase 9, Mohali. The elections were earlier scheduled to happen in June this year, however, owing to COVID they were postponed. Conducted every two years the elections had quorum unanimously and unopposed voted with full house for Sh.V.K.Vaid (Comdt Retd.) as President of the Sabha once again.
The initiatives & accomplishments undertaken by Mohyal Sabha, Mohali under Sh. Vaid’s leadership became the basis of him re-elected for the chair. The election was held under the observation of Eldest Executive Member of the Sabha Sh. K K Chibber who undertook the responsibility of Election Officer for this election that was by show of hands of the present members.
“I am really touched and honoured to be re-elected and take the responsibility yet again to continue with the momentum that me & my team have been working towards betterment of Sabha and the society at large. I hope to get similar affection and love from all the members of Sabha and aim to bring the harmony amongst the community and uplift the capability and capacity of the Sabha to make a larger difference to the society.” said, Sh. V. K. Vaid, President, Mohyal Sabha, Mohali
The quorum also elected, Sh. Sandeep Vaid as General Secretary, Sh. Muneesh Dutta as Secretary, Sh. C.K. Vaid as Financial Advisor, Sh. Jasbir Singh Bhimwal as Cashier, Sh. Ajay Vaid as PRO,
In Ladies wing, Advocate Geetanjali Bali was re- elected as President, Dr. Raman Bakshi Kapoor was as elected as Sr. Vice President, Smt. Paramjeet Vaid was elected as Vice President, Smt. Parminder Kaur Dutt was elected as General Secretary and Smt. Alka Bakshi as Jt. Secretary.
Mohyal Sabha – Mohali re-elects Sh. V.K. Vaid as President unanimously
The sabha honoured & thanked Sh. Vinod Vaid, Executive Member, Sh. Maneesh Dutta XEN, Executive Member, Sh Randheer Singh Dutta, Executive Member, Sh. Avtar Singh Dutta, Member & Smt. Paramjeet Vaid, Vice President their consistent efforts and support for the progress of sabha.