Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, initiated to make India a developed nation and provide the benefits of schemes to the people promptly, is gaining more participants day by day. The ‘Modi ki guarantee ki Gadi’ is becoming a powerful medium to bring the benefits of schemes to the common man. The officers concerned are responsible for ensuring that all government schemes reach the last mile citizen.
On the late evening Saturday, the Chief Minister, through video conferencing, held a meeting with senior officers, Deputy Commissioners, Superintendents of Police, and District Municipal Commissioners regarding the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra. Member of Parliament and BJP state president Sh. Nayab Singh Saini also joined the meeting via video conferencing.
Sh. Manohar Lal stated that the government is running a Jan Samvad to solve the problems of citizens. Now, we have integrated the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra with the Jan Samvad so that people can benefit from both central and state welfare schemes and also ensure the prompt resolution of their issues and complaints.
While giving directions to the officers, the Chief Minister said that the presence of senior officers from every department should be ensured at the events organized during the Yatra so that the concerns of the citizens are addressed immediately. Additionally, officers up to the level of SDO from the Power department should be present in the programs to ensure that there are no issues related to electricity, he directed.
He emphasized that garbage heaps should not be visible in cities, and the District Administration should ensure this. From next week, the CM’s team or officers should conduct a surprise inspection of the cities, and if garbage is found, appropriate action will be taken according to the rules, said the Chief Minister.
In Haryana, over 11.19 lakh people are connected with the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra- Jan Samvad
The Chief Minister was apprised that in Haryana, over 11.19 lakh people are connected with the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra- Jan Samvad and this number is increasing every day. During the Yatra, various programs were organized in 1871 gram Panchayats and 51 urban areas. In these programs, people are being informed about government schemes, and applications are being collected from them on the spot. Special attention is also being given to health checkups.
The Chief Minister stated that the central and state governments are working for the upliftment of the last mile citizen as per the Antyodaya vision. The government’s goal with this journey is to reach the public, so all officials should fulfill their duties with complete dedication, said Sh. Manohar Lal.
Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal, Additional Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Sh. TVSN Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary, Development and Panchayat Department, Sh. Anil Malik, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V Umashankar, Commissioner and Secretary, Urban Local Bodies Department, Sh. Vikas Gupta, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General, Information, Public Relations, Language and Culture Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal, Director, Development and Panchayat Department, Sh. D K Behera, Director, Urban Local Bodies Department, Sh. Yash Pal also remained present on this occasion. Haryana’s Nodal Officer for Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra, Sh. Alok Kumar joined the meeting through video conferencing.