For the entire and multilateral development of the country, every section, every brother and community citizens contribute a lot, in order to bring any political party to power, different sections of the state or the different sections of the country need support in unison together.
In such a situation, political parties also have a duty to honor all sections as possible in the party, but sometimes a special category is preferred to the parties. If you do not go too far and talk about your class backward castes, then at times, the Central and State governments have ignored our rights.
Whereas the backward categories of Punjab along with all the parts of the country is also a big vote bank. According to the census of 2011, 41% of the country’s population belongs to the backward caste; in order to be able to gain power in the country, the Congress party should give equal categories as equal to others in their party organization.
Of course, quite a few decisions taken in the party last year were not for the sake of welfare of the backward class, but for now, we have full confidence in the honorable Captain Amarinder Singh and the head of state Sunil Jakhar and RahulGandhi that forgetting some reason in the past, Fulfillment of backward classes will now be completed at the time of sharing of the Lok Sabha ticket, and from the middle of the backward class to stay in every difficult time for the party For those who go out of the state, the valued leaders and workers who work hard for the party will get the value.
At the time of ticket sharing in the Lok Sabha elections, the backward category will be given the basis and priority of the initiative and at least three tickets will be given to these leaders from Punjab Beach for the backward category in (India) and Punjab (around 31%) The party will have the greatest chance of proving equal representation for all the castes, which will have a direct impact on backward categories and big vote bank.