Membership campaign of Chandigarh Youth Congress started


Membership campaign of Chandigarh Youth Congress started

Membership campaign of Chandigarh Youth Congress started
Pradesh Youth Congress started its membership campaign from Thursday.  Former Union Minister of Congress Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal, Congress State President Pradeep Chhabra, Youth Congress Chandigarh in-charge Vaibhav Walia, Election Commissioner Tarun Tyagi, Zonal Election Incharge Uday Singh Gujjar said after inaugurating the campaign that the online membership campaign started on Thursday Youth between 18 and 35 years of age can get membership of Youth Congress.  Nomination can be filed from 14 January to 22 January and after that a membership drive will be conducted for one month from 26 January to 27 February.
Earlier rules have been changed.  For the first time a membership campaign has been started at the Ward Congress level.  For many years, the officials were selected through elections in the Youth Congress.  Earlier, elections were held to select state-level, district-level office bearers. He said that this time there will be election from ward Congress level.  It has been decided to strengthen the party at the ground level.  This time 33% of women will get the chance to apply in the election process.
From the grassroots level, the workers will have to work for the development of the party.  To get any position, a rule has been made to choose from the ward level itself.  Therefore, after selection of office-bearers at the ward level, there will be selection of office-bearers at the state, district and ward levels.

Membership campaign of Chandigarh Youth Congress started

The election of the Youth Congress will be led by the entire autonomous body.  Senior leaders of the party have been requested not to interfere for any reason.  The membership drive will be done online and the fee will also have to be paid online.  The voter ID card,UID,Driving Liencse, Passport address and photograph will have to be uploaded on the website of the Youth Congress.

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