Meal Plan for Extreme Weight Loss



Meal Plan for Extreme Weight Loss

Is there anyone who likes waiting? The velocity of modern life forces us to strive for immediate results in versatile activities. Thus, people are attracted by everything that promises fast performance. This trend refers to weight management either. It would be great to take some supplement and become much slimmer in a week. Unfortunately, such scenario is possible in some fairy tale only. Still, if you choose a proper weight loss diet, you can experience an extreme reduction of body mass within a short period of time. Naturally, such bold step is better to discuss with a physician or diet expert to avoid possible health issues. However, a decent approach to the task can bring fruit.

Meal Plan for Extreme Weight Loss

Essence of Losing Weight

Before shifting to a meal plan designed to promote the fast reduction of fat, we need to understand the essence of the process. Everything is simple – you need to burn calories. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, its implementation causes some difficulties. Dieting is a way to cut the kcal rate to stimulate the fat burning processes. Yet, some users abuse the starvation principle and significantly decrease the body mass. Isn’t it what we aim? A severe restrict of kcal removes water from the body and exhausts musculature. The body mass goes down but the fat volume remains unchanged.

On this account, the advised amount of kcal to subtract should not exceed 1,000 from your accustomed daily rate. Hence, if you used to take 3,000 kcal a day, an ideal target value would be 2,000. Such cutback provides up to two pounds of weight loss a week. It is better not to cross the threshold of 1,200 kcal a day.

Eating and Losing At Once

In addition to the reduction of calories, the selection of foods to spend those calories is also important. Most diet plants comprise the package of healthy and nutritious products such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and others. At the same time, unwholesome edibles like soda, potato chips, rich-in-sugar victuals and miscellaneous junk food are outlawed. Category of healthy foods allows you consume a fewer amount of kcal. Hence, the weight loss is promoted.

Three Pillars of Daily Nutrition for Extreme Fat Loss

If you get used to three meals a day, your habit won’t be altered. Perhaps, this is a good news for people who expected an exclusion or replacement of one or two full meals. Yet, not the number of meal matters but the quality and content of what your breakfast, lunch, and supper consist of.

Meal Plan for Extreme Weight Loss

Below, you will find some menu samples to accelerate your weight management undertakings.


The morning meal is the key to your daily nutrition. Besides, it is essential for reduction of fat in the body. The wholesome breakfast increases metabolism and prevents you from violating the daily kcal rate.

440 kcal

low-fat cottage cheese (half a cup)

sliced banana

one English muffin

peanut butter (two teaspoons)


The second meal in the daily nutrition is no less important for weight management than the morning eating occasion. Do you need fast cutting of fat? Then forget about excluding lunch at all. The following eating solution is advised.

440 kcal

turkey sandwich with two slices of whole-wheat bread

turkey breast (3 ounces)




nonfat yogurt (6 ounces)

one small apple

one cup of sliced cucumbers


The final meal should be light. Another option not exceeding 500 kcal is introduced.

425 kcal

spaghetti (one cup)

12 peanuts

chopped celery (one cup)

onions (one cup)

sauteed bok choy in vegetable oil (one teaspoon).

Enjoy healthy and weight-loss-stimulating meals.


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