Launch of POSHAN Pakhwada under POSHAN Abhiyaan


Launch of POSHAN Pakhwada under POSHAN Abhiyaan

Launch of POSHAN Pakhwada under POSHAN Abhiyaan

POSHAN Abhiyaan, a flagship programme, launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 08th March 2018, is being implemented successfully in U.T Chandigarh to ensure holistic physical, psychosocial, cognitive and emotional development of children under 6 years of age. The aim of the schemes is to improve the Nutrition and Health status of children in the age group of 0-6, Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers and Adolescent Girls.

The prevalence of problems such as under Nutrition, Anaemia and low BMI in women and children from different walks of life due to changes in lifestyle over the past few decades has been a cause of concern for the Government of India. To complement the Government’s efforts in promoting healthy nutrition habits among the citizens, especially women and children, the Department of Social Welfare Women & Child Development, U.T. Chandigarh launched the Poshan Pakhwada, today at Raj Bhawan Sector 6, Chandigarh.

POSHAN Pakhwada is a fortnightly affair, distinctly marked by diverse events and competitions complementing the celebration of a Poshit Bharat. The Department has taken it upon itself to realize the dream of a malnutrition free Chandigarh, consistent with the launch of Poshan Pakhwada, 2021.

The launch ceremony was chaired by Hon’ble Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Administrator, U.T. Chandigarh and Governor of Punjab to accentuate the idea to the public and begin the eventful journey of awareness about a Nutritious and Healthy lifestyle. The event was also graced by Shri Manoj Kumar Parida, IAS, Adviser to the Administrator, Shri Arun Kumar Gupta, IAS, Principal Secretary Home, Shri Yashpal Garg, IAS, Secretary Social Welfare, Mrs Navjot Kaur, PCS, Director Social Welfare, Dr. Bhavneet Bharti, Director Principal, Dr BR Ambedkar State Institute of Medical Sciences, Mohali, Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist E, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali.

To monitor the developmental milestones of all Children in the age group of 0-5 years, Child Assessment Card was launched in the ceremony to help Anganwadi Workers to keep the track of the health and development of these children and note any improvement or need for further improvement. The Anganwadi workers shall visit these children and fill these cards, which is mandatory under the campaign.

The Department wants Chandigarh to be fully fortified and to help with the cause, have introduced “Ann se AMRIT” under the AMRIT campaign. In convergence with the National Agri Biotechnology Institute (NABI), the distribution of bio-fortified foods for SAM Children will remain the highlight of the Poshan Pakhwada 2021. They shall be provided with Black Wheat flour, Black Wheat biscuits and porridge highly rich in natural anti-oxidants, Iron, Zinc having goodness of natural fruits, Dietary fibres, Minerals and Vitamins to improve their health and fill important nutritions in their diet to sustain.

Launch of POSHAN Pakhwada under POSHAN Abhiyaan

During POSHAN Pakhwada, a fortnightly campaign, people shall be made aware of the importance of health and nutrition by organizing a series of activities in convergence with all the line departments of U.T. Chandigarh such as rallies, rangolis, prabhat pheris, anemia camps, poshan meetings, distribution of herbal plants, yoga camps, awareness of AYUSH, school-based activities, webinars etc. which have already begun from the very day of the Poshan Pakhwada.

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