Krishna Janmashtami 2021, celebration, Date in India , Facts, Images, Wishes


Krishna Janmashtami 2021, celebration, Date in India , Facts, Images, Wishes:-According to Hindu Mythology, about 5000 years ago, the eighth rebirth of Lord Vishnu was born, who soon came to be esteem as one of the most important Hindu gods.

Sharp & jovial in nature, this notorious divinity became a favorite among devotees who fondly worship him both in his adult & childhood form.

Krishna’s Birth

His birthday known to be celebrated every year all over India as Krishna Janmashtami. People observe fast, decorate their homes, and prepare delicacies to offer to the Lord follow all the rituals of this day.

Janmashtami is a compound of two words: Janma (birth) and Ashtami (eight). According to the Hindu Calendar, the festival is celebrated in the month of Bhadrapada (August–September) on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight). This festival is celebrated all over India.

Hindus celebrate Janmashtami by fasting, singing, praying together, preparing&sharing special food, night vigils, & visiting Krishna or Vishnu temples.

Mathura & Vrindavan

Major Krishna temples organize recitation of Bhagavata Purana & Bhagavad Gita.

The tradition of Rasa Lila is particularly popular in the Mathura region & in parts of Rajasthan&Gujarat.

These drama-dance plays begin a few days before each Janmashtami.

However, there are two places in India, where this festival is celebrated with unmatched zeal and greatness.

They are Mathura and Vrindavan the former being the birthplace of Lord Krishna while the latter being the place he spent his childhood years.

The celebrations that happen in these places are unique and people from all over the world gather to see the rituals and events and take part in the celebrations.

Most devotees spend the day in Vrindavan witnessing the events and celebrations and go to Mathura in the evening to commemorate the birth of the lord.

Two most important aspects of the Janmashtami festival celebrated here are Jhulanotsav and Ghatas.

  • Jhulanotsov is the ritual where people put out swings in the courtyard of their houses and temples decorated with flowers and rangolis around to welcome Lord Krishna to their dwellings and to symbolize the cradling of the infant Krishna.
  • Ghatas are another unique feature of the celebrations here at Mathura, where all the temples in the city are decorated with the colour of the chosen theme including the clothes of the Idol Krishna as well. They follow this tradition for an entire month and without which the celebration of the festival isn’t complete.

Janam Astami

In the days leading up to the Janma divas, Rasleelas (dance-dramas which were popularly performed by Krishna himself in his days) are performed by various groups, especially by 10-13-year-old kids.

Also, Jankis are made, which are clay modelled figures on display wherein scenes depicting various stages of Krishna’s life are showcased all over the city of Mathura.

Krishna was born at midnight so the celebrations lead up to that time after which various poojas and rituals take place in the temples.

The main event, however, is held at the actual location of Krishna’s birth which is now converted into a big Krishna Janma Bhoomi Mandir.

The idol is kept in a room called Garbha Griha, it is given a ritualistic bath with milk and curd, dressed up in traditional clothes and placed in the cradle.

The cradle is then rocked while the devotees chant prayers and sing hymns.

It is a popular belief that any wish made while the cradle is rocked comes true on the day of Janmashtami.

As the devotees welcome the lord, the lord is presented with panchamrit and Chappan bhog (56 dishes).

This is then distributed among the devotees who break their fast with this.

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Over 8 lakh devotees come to Mathura & Vrindavan every year to take part in the Janmashtami festival and to offer prayers and witness the grand celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna.


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