Karan Tacker to share relationship advice on UC News



UC News is set to make the Valentine’s week special for millions of its users across India. UC News users will be able to get up close and personal with the heart-throb of Indian Television, Karan Tacker, as he willbe hosting #LovePathshala on UC News. The festivities doesn’t end here, Karan’s fans will also be able to catch him live on 13th February 2018 between 4pm to 5pm on UC News app. Karan’s fans will see him share his trivia and experiences with love, get candid about TV industry relationships and give advice to people struggling in their relationships.

On donning a new avatar for UC News users, TV celebrity, Karan Tacker said, “I am excited to chat live with people on the UC News platform and be a sounding board as we look to spread love this Valentine’s Day. People will get to see me in a different light altogether as I’ll discuss relationships in the industry, share tips for a strong relationship basis my personal experiences and a lot more.”

 As a part of the campaign, Karan is hosting special discussions on UC News around different days of Valentine’s week including Rose day and Chocolate day. Karan is also inviting fans to share hand written love letters for their partner where the user who writes the best lover letter will receive a special hand written note from Karan Tacker himself.

UC News is focused on enriching the user experiences by giving users access to unique and exclusive content. The collaboration with Karan Tacker aims to give users a chance to know their favorite celebrity better, and also learn tips and tricks to make their Valentine’s Day most special.

 #LovePathshala will be held till 14 February 2018 and will also give UC News users a chance to win exciting goodies.


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