Jammu Police raid Rama Book store, books worth Rs 1.30 lakhs seized

Owner of Rama Book Seller, Ram Lal absconding

Jammu Police raid Rama Book store, books worth Rs 1.30 lakhs seized
FIR registered under section 65, 66 of Copyright act and 420 RPC against Rama Book seller

Jammu police has seized over 650 pirated books of Zoology Semester 1 and 3 from Rama bookseller Opposite GGM Science College, Canal road, Jammu. Nowabad police raided Rama bookseller book store Opposite GGM Science College, Canal Road on Wednesday. The raid was conducted on the complaint filed by Modern Publishers that is a subsidiary of MBD group.

Jammu Police raid Rama Book store, books worth Rs 1.30 lakhs seized

FIR in the case has been registered against the Ram Lal who owns Rama Book Seller book store.

During the raid, huge quantity of pirated Zoology books, having the same title and content that is produced by Modern Publishers was recovered. In the raid at Rama bookseller book store, books worth Rs. 1.30 lakhs were seized.

A case has been registered against the accused for infringement of Copyright Act under 65 and 66 and section 420 of Jammu and Kashmir State Ranbir Penal Code.

Jammu Police raid Rama Book store, books worth Rs 1.30 lakhs seized

Police officials said that modus operandi was to get same books with same title and content as produced by Modern publishers from some another printer based out in Delhi. Police officials said FIR has been registered and accused is absconding and search is on to arrest the owner of Rama Book Seller.


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