The Inner Wheel Club Chandigarh City Beautiful organized a special event at Government Elementary Smart School, Rampur Kala, Zirakpur, ahead of Republic Day. The event was led by the school’s Principal, Tarnpreet Kaur, and aimed to promote health, sports, and community service.
On this occasion, the school’s young students presented patriotic poems and captivated everyone with their charming performances. They also danced to patriotic songs and filled the school with chants of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”.
Monika Arya, the club’s Secretary, provided the children with tips on daily brushing and maintaining overall hygiene. Additionally, the club distributed badminton rackets and shuttlecocks to the children, encouraging them to engage in physical activities and stay away from excessive screen time.
Delicious snacks, including laddoos and pakoras, were arranged for the children and attendees, adding to the festive and joyful atmosphere of the event.
On this occasion, Club President Anita Midha highlighted the importance of Republic Day and said, “This celebration is a small effort by our club to promote children’s health, happiness, and development. We will continue organizing such events to bring about positive change in our community.”