Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela was recently in news for her hot and sexy look at the Cannes 2023 and the actress is now again grabbing headlines for reportedly charging a whopping Rs 3 Crore for just a three-minute performance in a song. According to reports, Urvashi Rautela, who previously performed in an item song in Waltair Veerayya and ‘Agent’, had been approached yet again to perform an item number in Boyapati Srinu-Ram Pothineni’s upcoming film. In a report quoted by Siasat, Urvashi Rautela has demanded Rs 3 crore for her three-minute performance, which means she will be paid Rs 1 crore per minute, which will make her the highest paid actress in India as no actress is being paid Rs 1 crore for just one minute performance.
Earlier, it was reported that Urvashi Rautela’s had charged Rs 2 crore for her item number in ‘Waltair Veerayya’, which starred South Indian megastar Chiranjeevi.
The untitled film is touted to be a mass entertainer and the makers have already released the film’s first look and the release date. In the poster, Ram can be seen in an all-black costume, dragging a buffalo. The poster reveals that the film will release on October 20, 2023. The film is tentatively being called BoyapatiRAPO