Haryana has processed claims worth Rs 80 crores since launch of Ayushman Bharat


Haryana has processed claims worth Rs 80 crores since launch of Ayushman Bharat


Discussions in Progress for inclusion of ESIC in Ayushman Bharat Scheme: Dr Naresh Kumar Arora, Additional Director, ESIC

Ayushman Bharat 

“Discussions are in progress for inclusion of ESIC in Ayushman Bharat Scheme”, said Dr Naresh Kumar Arora, Additional Director, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) at the CII NR Healthcare Summit organized today at Gurugram. He emphasized that as per Vision 2022 of ESIC they are working towards expansion of ESIC scheme in each district of the country with a target of covering 10 crore workers.

In her special address, Dr Monika Bhatia, Executive Officer, Ayushman Bharat Health Protection Mission Haryana stated that “within 15 months of launch of Ayushman Bharat Scheme, Haryana has processed claims worth Rs 80 crores”. She emphasized that Haryana has been able to cut 20% on the administrative costs incurred for scheme implementation thereby taking a lead in the country.

In his welcome address, Dr Dharminder Nagar, Chairman, CII Regional Committee on Healthcare & Managing Director, Paras Healthcare said that Ayushman Bharat can be a potential game-changer for India’s healthcare landscape and, the Industry is fully on board to make it happen while creating innovative PPP models and decreasing cost of doing business to economically serve wider population base.

Dr Om P Manchanda, Co-Chairman, CII Regional Committee on Healthcare & CEO, Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd, opined that “ private players in Healthcare Sector must come forward to cover up the huge disparity in availability of affordable and quality healthcare infrastructure amongst Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities while the Government is providing all possible support.”

Dr Dinesh Batra, Co-Chairman, CII Regional Committee on Healthcare & Director & Group CEO, Cygnus Hospitals suggested to merge schemes viz., ESI and other schemes offered at the Central & State levels with Ayushman Bharat for making the same more result oriented and easy to administer.

Haryana has processed claims worth Rs 80 crores since launch of Ayushman Bharat

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Anupama Joshi, Partner – Healthcare Consulting, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd mentioned that in India the schemes are launched with good intention but the success lies in their implementation and it is heartening to note that Ayushman Bharat has been implemented efficiently.

The summit was attended by more than 100 delegates from across the Healthcare sector.


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