Haryana Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Lal has said that special Shramik Trains are being run daily from various railway stations of the state to send the migrant labourers to their home states. In this series, four trains were sent from Haryana today in which about 3,600 migrant labourers have been sent to Bihar and Madhya Pradesh by three trains from Rewari and 1,200 migrant workers have been sent from to Bihar in a train from Bhiwani.
He said that these migrant workers have contributed significantly in the progress of the state. He said that we are all Indians despite being diverse and with this spirit and thought the Haryana government has started sending stranded migrant workers willing to go home to their home states at the expense of the state government. The Chief Minister said that all Indians living in any part of the country are one and it is the responsibility of all of us to mitigate their suffering.
Train departed from Rewari to Muzaffarpur and Kishanganj (Bihar) and Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh)
About 3600 migrant workers were sent from Rewari junction in three trains. Agricultural migrant workers of Rewari district were sent by special train to Muzaffarpur. Similarly, migrant workers of Mahendergarh district were sent to Kishanganj and Chhatarpur. For the third day consecutively, the maximum number of migrant labourers were sent through the three special trains.
Train departed from Bhiwani to Purnia (Bihar)
Of the 1,198 workers who left for their home states from Bhiwani railway station today, 712 migrant workers were from Dadri district and 486 were from Bhiwani district. The special labour train sent to Bihar consists of migrant workers from Purnia, Araria, Saharsa, Madhepura and Supaul in Bihar. As the train left, the migrant workers expressed their gratitude to the Haryana government.
Necessary arrangements made at railway stations
All the migrant labourers were brought to the railway station by a bus. Besides cleaning the platforms frequently with vacuum cleaners, the hands of the migrant labourers were also sanitized. The pamphlets of places like Purnia, Araria, Saharsa, Madhepura and Supaul etc. were pasted on each coach of the train, so that the passengers do not face any problem finding their berth.
Health check-ups of passengers, while maintaining social distancing
Health check-up of all migrant workers was conducted to prevent the spread of corona virus. Help desks were set-up in front of each compartment from where tickets were given to every passenger. The tickets for each passenger were stamped with ‘Paid for Haryana’, which means the expenses of travel for migrant labourers have been borne by the Haryana government. Sitting arrangements were made in such a way that the norms of social distancing were maintained and the passengers also followed the instructions given by the administration.
Missing our homes or else who would like to go from here
Talking to the migrant labourers at Bhiwani railway station, a worker said that the quality of food is good here, we will come here again, we are missing our families so we are leaving Haryana otherwise who would like to leave Haryana. Although the happiness to return to their home state reflected on the faces of migrant workers but the sadness of leaving Haryana was evident during the conversation.
Anil Marandi from Purnia, who boarded the train, told that he had come here to do farming. He did not face any problem here, but due to the lockdown, he has to go from here. Similarly, Chhote Lal from Purnia told that he did not want to leave but the circumstances of the family is such that he has to go.
Surendra Kumar Sharma said that he was working as a mechanic here, but due to the lock down, he has to go. Pink told Katiyar that he had no problem here, he would not leave from here if there was no lock down. Similarly, Mohammad Salaudin said that he was helpless and had to return and Lalo Rishi said that he had come to Loharu to harvest, but he had to go suddenly due to the present circumstances.
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal said that special Shramik Trains being run daily
Similarly, Ladu Singh and Kundan Singh said that they had come here for crop harvesting and if there was no lockdown, they would have done some more work but he had to go. He also said that the Haryana government made proper arrangements for their departure.
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