GGI Organized Fun with Food activity representing culture of different cuisines of India


GGI Organized Fun with Food activity representing culture of different cuisines of India

GGI Organized Fun with Food activity

GGI Organized Fun with Food activity representing culture of different cuisines of India:- Gulzar Group of Institutes, Khanna, Ludhiana organized fun and food activity at its campus.  Students & teachers cooked food which represented different culture of cuisine of the world. Each group of prepared dishes according to a theme picked by them. Some student indulge in Indian cuisine like Punjab, Himachal, Rajasthan, Gujarat and south Indian whereas other students indulge in baking and other foreign dishes. Some students prepared regular meal, mocktail, dessert or snack items. The main reason to organized this activity plan was to support eat well and be active every day.

Later, students also learnt the art of baking varieties of breads, cakes and shortcut pastries. The college campus was fragrant with flavours of freshly baked Carrot, Chocolate and Coconut cakes. The day saw baking of Focaccia, Multigrain, Pita and Whole Wheat bread.

GGI Organized Fun with Food activity representing culture of different cuisines of India

While speaking at the moment Executive Director, Gulzar Group Gurkirat Singh said that eating well and being physically active every day go hand-in-hand to improve physical and mental health and vitality. According to him for Cooperating healthy eating and physical activity into everyday living helps individuals achieve and maintain a healthy body weight and image, improves energy, promotes growth and development, increases and maintains bone and muscle strength, and prolongs independence during old age.

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