GGDSD College library organises Online Workshop


GGDSD College library organises Online Workshop on ‘Research Ethics and Qualitative techniques for research and publications’

Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dhrama College library , Sector 32 , started a six-day from April 25th-30th, Online Workshop on ‘Research Ethics and Qualitative techniques for research and publications’, today. The workshop aims to enhance faculty learning amid the COVID pandemic lockdown.

More than 64 faculty members and library professionals from Chandigarh and Punjab and one participant from Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology University, Malaysia are participating in the Workshop.
The college is using Cisco WebEx application for Live streaming of the valuable sessions of one hour each day with intelligent inputs from experts in the field.
In the online inaugural address, Dr Balraj Thapar, Principal of the college, stressed that there are no full stops on learning and this online learning endeavour will ensure optimal utilisation of these hard times.

GGDSD College library organises Online Workshop

The resource person for Day 1, Dr. Neeraj K. Singh, Deputy Librarian, AC Joshi library, Panjab University, Chandigarh talked about how to publish scholarly articles in high impact factor journals.
This online workshop will cover a broad span of quantitative research methods with a strong focus on research integrity.

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