Get Holi-ready with these skin-care tips


Get Holi-ready with these skin-care tips

Get Holi-ready with these skin-care tips

With Holi around the corner, everyone is waiting to start the celebrations. Dr Chytra V Anand, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist, Founder Kosmoderma Clinics & SkinQ, says that one should be extra careful with skin and hair when it comes to colours used for celebrations. She shares some tips to keep in mind before you play with colours.

•Apply a barrier to skin:

This will protect your skin before stepping out to the sun for Holi celebrations. Apply a thick body lotion as a moisturiser on your face and body area. Then apply almond or coconut oil. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then dab it with a towel to remove the excess oil. Then, apply sunscreen. This way, you will have two barriers – moisturiser and oil. This will protect the skin from a lot of irritation and from absorbing the colour.

•Apply sunscreen:

Ensure to use a water-proof sunscreen during the Holi celebration.

•Wear nail polish to protect nails:

Opt for dark colours like black, deep red, maroon or brown nail polish and paint it not just on nails but also around cuticles. A cuticle bed can easily absorb colours and the stain will stay for a long time. So, paint nail polish on nails and cuticles.

•Oil hair the night before:

Oil your hair and scalp one day ahead. If you put oil on the day of the festival, the colours will stick to the scalp.

•Wash skin with cold water after celebration:

Don’t rub or exfoliate. Use a pH-balanced soap or body wash that will not irritate your skin further. If you use regular soap, it might irritate the skin.

Get Holi-ready with these skin-care tips

•Hydrate yourself:

Make sure to drink enough water while playing under the sun. Have coconut water, banana.

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