Finding Good Vape Shop Online – Is Vaping better then Smoking?


Finding Good Vape Shop Online – Is Vaping better then Smoking?

There are many vape shops online now, which sell different types of electronic cigarettes and vape products. Also called as E-cigarettes, vape products are available online at these vape storefronts. Vape shops also various e-liquids of different flavors. Users can buy them in different concentrations like 100 mg/mL for example and dilute it to their preference.

Some of the most popular vapor flavors include:

  • Chocolate
  • Mint
  • menthol
  • Caramel
  • Coffee
  • Cherry
  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Cherry
  • Lime etc., which can be added with liquid nicotine.


Online vape shops not only sell e-liquids and vaping devices but products like magazines and other accessories too as bags, clothing, wooden cases, etc. Many Vape shops are also increasing in popularity for the events and campaigns they run like music concerts. Many of the e-cigarette companies also promote the major retailers with an idea to convert a portion of their current shop-space to a mini vape shop.


Many of the physical storefront vape shops are independent small businesses with floor area ranging from 1000 to 1500 square feet. Some have built as lounges in which customers can also take beverage along with vape. People come here not only to test various e-liquid flavors but also for the opportunity to socialize. A few famous vape shops also offer the assistance of a vapologist who will advise the prospective customers to choose specific e-liquids based on their preferences.

Cigarette Smoking vs. vaping


As we know, cigarettes, marijuana, and other tobacco products are used by mankind for many centuries now. However, the process of vaporizing or vaping only surfaced in recent times and gained in popularity. Studies are still going on about the effects of vaping compared to consuming smoke.


In conventional smoking, the heat from the fire causes the burnt substances to change from their solid state to vapor. In normal cigarettes, nicotine is released in the form of vapor due to heat, and it is absorbed by your bloodstream through the lungs. This will further cause an increase in heart rate or constriction in heart rate, which prompts the release of dopamine by heart to induce a feeling of alertness. However, nicotine is a stimulant, and once it is no longer present in your blood, one seems to crash and suffer craving. This ultimately ends up in addiction. In marijuana, the component is THC  (Tetrahydrocannabinol)  which gets aerosolized and absorbed by our body to create the same stimulation but have different effects.

Nicotine adversities

Studies have shown that it only takes 6 seconds for the nicotine compounds to reach to human nervous system on smoking. However, the vape shop online products not only contain the vapor but also consist of other burned particles, which forms tar in the body, which causes cancer. These may also destroy the taste buds in our tongue and also may blacken the teeth.


On the other hand, if you heat only the active components to get aerosolized without a combustion reaction by burning other compounds along with it, then one theoretically gets a faster effect without the risk of smoke inhalation during cigarette smoking. This is the basic principle of vaping.

Process of vaping

Standard vaping involves a metal or glass chamber which is connected to an electric source to be heated at a set temperature. The e-liquid contained in this chamber produces fine vapor on getting heated with minimal combustion. This means the person doing vaping inhales only less smoke, but purer vapor. For those who smoke marijuana, vaporizers are more popular as the material can be heated to the desired temperature, i.e., 180 and 210 degrees Celsius, which extracts only the THC vapor.

In e-cigarettes, the practice is to use the liquid solution rather than burning dry tobacco leaves. The e-liquid typically contains water, nicotine, a base for flavorings, etc. The base of e-liquid contains some material similar to what we use in cosmetics which will further maintain moisture fresh without causing any sogginess. One such base is propylene glycol, which we used to see in creating the theatrical smoke, sometimes irritating the eye and respiratory issues.

Prolonged effects of vaping

Scientific studies are still ongoing about the effects of vaping. Even though the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the US Government has given it a green signal, much of this is still unknown. With the lack of any proper regulations in e-liquid production, the quality of it may greatly vary between the manufacturers.

Some of the e-liquids in the market are found to have diacetyl in them, which is a chemical to offer a buttery taste. However, it is found that inhalation of this component may cause lung scarring, a medical condition known as ‘popcorn lungs”. This is an example of how the lack of quality in vaping products can be a significant concern to human health.

However, the current studies have shown that vaporizing comes with far less bad effects when compared to smoking in the administration of nicotine in the human body. As vaping doesn’t cause any carcinogenic products to enter the body, it is deemed to be less harmful compared to cigarette smoking. However, less harmful doesn’t mean that it is fully safe. Some E-liquids with an add-on flavor like citrus or mint are found to have some harmful chemicals to produce this effect, which is ultimately harmful to health.

Risk of second-hand smoke in vaping

Similar to cigarette smoking, vaping also have second-hand smoke risks. The exhaled vapor particles are called ultra-fine particles, which surely have an adverse impact on pulmonary health (though not as adverse as cigarette smoke). However, for a complete non-smoker who suffers a second-hand exposure to vaporizer too hold this risk. IT is noted that teens now get largely attracted to e-cigs as they find it healthier and appealing to the youngsters. A study had shown that use of e-cigarettes among youngsters from grades 6 to 12 has increased by about 10 to 20% over the last 3 years.

Finding Good Vape Shop Online – Is Vaping better then Smoking?

The studies about the adverse effect of smoking, as we know it now, came from long-term studies, like cancer appearing at the later stage of the life of smokers. As vaporizer is a comparatively new invention, we don’t have the results of the same types of longitudinal studies about it, and we have to wait and see to say whether it is better or worse.

Author Bio: Anthony Karen is a health expert who has been running many health seminars and public discussions. She also manages her blog and reviews the health-related details provided by authentic sources.



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