Dr. Yuvraj Singh Hira Orthopaedic Surgeon working in department of Orthopaedics at Govt. Multi Specialty Hospital Sector-16, Chandigarh, attended Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie, (SICOT) 2018 which was held in Montreal Canada from 10 October 2018 to 13 October 2018.
It is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of orhtopaedics. Dr. Yuvraj Singh Hira presented 6 e-posters and 1 oral paper in SICOT-2018.
This is for the first time that a Orthopaedic Surgeon from GMSH-16 presented his research work in the form of posters and papers in such a big and prestigious conference.
His research work was greatly applauded and appreciated by the foreign delegates present there at SICOT. The topics presented by him are:
E- posters:
1) To compare the efficacy of local corticosteroid injections and autologous blood injections in producing analgesia in patients presenting with lateral epicondylitis.
2) Role of the high tibial osteotomy in improving pain and knee function in osteoarthritis of the knee.
3) Role of Dome’s osteotomy for correction of cubitus varus deformity in malunited supracondylar fracture of humerus.
4) Evaluation of clinical outcome of autogenous growth factor rich plasma injection vis-à-vis saline knee lavage in osteo-arthritis knee.
5) To compare the functional results of treatment of Colles fracture by closed reduction and plaster cast application versus closed reduction, Kirschner wiring and plaster cast application.
6) To study role of surgically re-fixing failed osteo-synthesis in fractures of long bones of lower limbs.
Oral Paper:
Autogenous cancellous bone grafting versus autogenous canellours bone grafting along with autogenous growth factor rich plasma( GFRP) in non union of fractures of long bones.
The Director Health & Family Welfare congratulated Dr. Yuvraj Singh Hira for his outstanding presentations in such a prestigious conference.
Dr. Yuvraj Singh Hira Orthopaedic Surgeon attended (SICOT) 2018
Dr. V.K Nagpal , Head of Department, stated that apart from the basic trauma surgeries done here at GMSH-16 they have already started doing advanced and complex trauma surgeries and soon they are planning to start Total Hip Arthoplasties and Total knee Arthoplasties which will be another bench mark for the hospital and will ease out the work load in tertiary level hospitals in U.T. Chandigarh.