In a joyous celebration of Lord Shri Ram’s return to Ayodhya, CP67 Mall in Mohali has exciting plans to mark the holy ‘Ram Mandir Inauguration’. On January 22nd, ‘CP67-Tricity’s cultural and festive hub’ will illuminate a Grand Diya, coinciding with the auspicious Shri Ram Mandir Consecration Ceremony in Ayodhya. A 4ft high Diya at the entrance will enhance the divine ambiance, accompanied by Bhajan singing by the ISKCON group and a 2D setup of Ram Mandir within the mall.
To bring the divine experience of the Ram Mandir Inauguration to a larger audience, CP67 Mall is offering complimentary tickets for the live screening of the ceremony at PVR on January 22nd. As a small gesture from the mall, savour complimentary popcorn during the event. Limited free tickets of the live screening will be available on the day on a first-come-first-serve basis from the mall’s concierge desk. The live screening event will unfold from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Join us at CP67 Mall to partake in this sacred celebration!