Chandigarh Administration constitutes social security board for unorganized workers


Chandigarh Administration constitutes social security board for unorganized workers

News item published in the section of press “Social Security Board eludes unorganized workers in Chandigarh’ grabbed the attention of the Chandigarh Administration. It is all set to move a step to constitute the Board. The move is seen as a step towards helping these workers avail benefits of welfare schemes, said the official of the Chandigarh Administration.

             He further revealed that the process of nominating members for the Board has been started. Members include from department of labour and employers besides two eminent persons from the civil society.  He further said that Act also provided adequate representation to persons belonging to SCs/STs minorities and women. Members from unorganized workers would also be given representation, he added.

                 A letter from the Directorate of School Education, Chandigarh Administration has nominated Mr Bikram Rana, State Liaison Officer as its member to the Board. The letter further said that the term of office the Board shall be three years from the date of publication of notification in the official gazette. The board shall meet at least once every quarter.     

               While talking to Mr Mahavir Singh, Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority (SLSA), Chandigarh admitted formation of the board in Chandigarh and hoped that with the constitution of the Board these workers could avail the benefits of various government’s schemes.

                Mr Singh further stated that now every unorganized worker can hope for registration social security cover for these workers. “These workers will be provided unique identity card linked to the Aadhaar number to avail the benefits of government schemes,” said Mr Singh.  

                Modalities have been worked out and proper space with supporting staff is being arranged. Budgetary allocation is also being worked out and hopefully by the end of October the Board will be set up, sources in the Administration says.        

                According to official data up to 2015, Chandigarh had collected Cell of Rs 64.49 lakh while Haryana collected Rs 18.59 crore; Punjab Rs 7.14 crore compared to Himachal Pradesh Rs 2.76 crore. While total Cess collection across the country accounted for approximately Rs one lakh crore. City has workforce participation rates in rural area is 35 and in urban it is 35.4.

                 The Act directs every state government shall notify constitute a state board to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the functions as assigned in the Act. Even the Central Government has also issued directions to States/UTs for proper utilization of Cess fund in terms of Section 22 of the Building and other Construction Worker Act 1996.                                    

                The government had identified 122 occupations in the unorganized sector. Unorganized sector workers include under self employment : Van and cycle rickshaw pullers, head-load workers, workers engaged in loading and unloading of goods, railway and street hawkers, masons and other masonry workers, cobblers, gold and silver smiths, ayahs, attendants in hospitals and nursing homes, domestic servants, carpenters, auto rickshaw operators, barbers, idol makers and fishermen.

               Industries: Workers in mills, kite manufacturing units, earthen pottery, paddy husking, embroidery, silk printing, book binding units, hosiery, linesmen, Integrated Child Development scheme (ICDS),handloom units, public or hired motor transport services, security agencies, printing press, plastic industry and bricks or tile manufacturing units.

               Industries (with less than 20 workers): Stone crushing, tailoring industries, shops and establishments, bakeries, construction, lakh industry, automobile repairing garages. EOM



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