CGC Jhanjeri organized workshop on women health issues to celebrate International Women’s Day



CGC Jhanjeri organized workshop on Health issues of women to  celebrate International Women’s Day .Key note at the moment was  Dr Swapna Misra,senior consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology  and Additional director Fortis hospital, Mohali. She enlightened about womem health and hygiene. She explained   menstrual hygiene problems, breast cancer, cervical cancer, many health related issues and told about their   preventive measures. Dr Misra informed that nowadays we neglect our health due to sedentary life style which can lead to major health problems. She guided students to eat healthy, to workout at least 45 minutes a day and live healthy life.

CGC Jhanjeri organized workshop on women health issues to celebrate International Women’s Day

Later, debate and poster making competition were organized. Debate competition was organized  on the topics  Role of Women in Indian Economy, Laws for Women’s Rights,Role of Women in Corporate World and Indian Women in freedom movement .Kanav  of  MBA and Tushar of  CSE got 1st position  in it whereas  Meghna of MBA and Aditya of CSE got second position. In Poster making competition on theme violence against women  Revathi G Sharma  of Bcom  got third position whereas Amanpreet  of Bcom got 2nd position.A cake cutting ceremony was held after that  ,which was followed by a prize distribution.

Speaking on the occasion, Rashpal Singh Dhaliwal, President CGC Jhanjeri addressed the gathering and apprised them of the real meaning of liberation, which begins in the mind. According to him the woman of today is not in any way lagging behind the men. Rather, in most of the fields, especially in the field of education, they are leading.




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