CGC Jhanjeri Launched website for International Conference in association of Springer


CGC Jhanjeri Launched website for International Conference in association of Springer

CGC Jhanjeri Launched website for International Conference in association of Springer

CGC Jhanjeri launched website of International Conference in  association of Springer on Smart Generation Computing and Communication Networks (SGCCN) 2023  to be held on  29-30 November 2023.The aim of SGCCN 2023 is  to bring together academicians, scientists and researchers to share their knowledge, expertise and experience in relation to developments in computing arena along with sciences and communication technologies. The conference will provide a premier inter-disciplinary platform to establish a global relationship among the educators, researchers and practitioners. Also, it will help in presenting and discussing the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns in the related areas of research.It offers a real opportunity to the participants to discuss emerging issues and finding advanced enabling solutions, to setup new trends in computing, sciences and communication technologies.

Papers can be submitted  in track 1 – Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning And Virtual Reality.Topics covered in track 1 are  Machine Learning, Pridction Modeling ,Data Anlaytics ,Soft Computing and Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems ,Big Data and Analytics , Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Computer Vision , Data Mining and Warehousing Distributed Systems, Parallel and Grid Computing , Embedded Systems.

Papers can be submitted  in Track 2- Information Security And Communication Technology. Topics covered in track 2 are Intelligent Internet Modelling, Innovative Information Security ,Intelligent Agents ,Green Technology ,Innovative Network and Communication Technology ,Intelligent Control and Automation ,Intelligent Knowledge Management ,Intelligent Agents ,Internet of Things ,Sensor Networks , Nano-Electronics and VLSI Technology , Remote Sensing and GIS.

Papers can be submitted  in Track 3 – Morden Science Technology. Topics covered in track 3 are Atmospheric Science, Biological Treatment,Quantum Science and Technology, Plasma Science ,Nano-Technology , Electromagnetism , Hydrology , Power Transmission and Distribution.

Rashpal Singh Dhaliwal ,President , CGC Jhanjeri said at the launch of the website that International Conference will unleash an unparalleled amount of data, which can be analyzed for unlimited knowledge. Advances in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, wireless communication, instrumentation, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing will have a multiplicative effect on progress.

Arsh Dhaliwal Managing Director said that authors are invited to submit full papers in English. All articles will be reviewed for scientific quality by the Technical Program Committee and external reviewers.He further added that more information can be taken from   official website


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