Breast Cancer now Commonest Cancer amongst India Women, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh


Breast Cancer now Commonest Cancer amongst India Women, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh

Breast Cancer now Commonest Cancer amongst India Women, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh

Breast Cancer now Commonest Cancer amongst India Women, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh:- Breast cancer has arose as the commonest killer in women, surpassing its predecessor – cervix cancer, in India. India now sees 1.55 Lacs new cases of breast cancer every year.

Dr. Brig Rajeshwar Singh, Director Medical Oncology PARAS Super specialty Hospital Panchkula said while talking to media persons during press meet held to create awareness on “Rising Trends of Breast Cancer in Females in India”. Accompanying him were team of doctors including Dr Rajan Sahu, Sr. Consultant Surgical Oncology, Dr Deepak Singla, Consultant Medical Oncology, Dr Parneet Singh Consultant Radiation Oncology and Dr Harsh Mohan Sr. Consultant & Head Histopathology from Paras Hospitals Panchkula.

He said that earlier breast cancer cases were reported after 50 years of age and number of breast cancer patients was lesser. However, presently, breast cancer is more common in younger age group and more than 70% of the cases present in advanced stage accounting for poor survival and high mortality.

Dr. Rajan Sahu said 50 % of breast cancer patients these days are in 25 yr to 50 yrs age group. It accounts for 27 % of all cancers in females in India. He added that the medics are concentrating more on Breast Conservation Surgery. Breast Self-examination and Mammography are simple techniques to detect breast cancer cases at early stages and women should be encouraged to conduct this self-examination regularly.

Dr Deepak Singla said that number of cancer cases are expected to rise by 70% over next two decades in India. Most of the cases in our country are diagnosed very late and according to the statistics of WHO, more than 60% of the women are diagnosed with breast cancer at stage III or IV in India. This drastically affects the survival rate and treatment options for the patients. It is here when the need for regular self examination is acutely felt.

Breast Cancer now Commonest Cancer amongst India Women, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh

Sharing her experience Dr Parneet Singh said at Paras Hospital patients are treated with tumor board based approach and all kind of advanced chemotherapy, immunotherapy & targeted therapies are available. Radiation therapy involves delivering powerful waves of energy to disrupt the ability of cancer cells to grow and divide, killing cancer cells, slowing their growth, and shrinking tumors to enable surgery. Now North India’s most advance Radiation Therapy & PET CT services are now available at Paras Hospital Panchkula.

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