Bhartiya Skill Development University organizes Expert Webinar against COVID-19


Bhartiya Skill Development University organizes Expert Webinar against COVID-19

Knockdown the COVID-19 lockdown

Bhartiya Skill Development University is known for skilling youth by adopting and modifying its curriculum based on industry requirement.

Bhartiya Skill Development University (BSDU) with an aim to garner greater awareness about the pandemic Corona virus which has threatened everyone across the world organizes a program in association with Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan Chapter and Global Foundation for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

Dr.Gini Garima, Assoiate Professor, ESIC Medical College, Faridabad was the key spokesperson for the session.

Dr. Gini explains the precautions to be taken for COVID-19. She ensures that it’s not a disease to be scared off but we just need to be aware of it.

We need to be stay away from myths threatening our society that are circulating around and follow some precautionary methods to keep ourselves safe.

She also emphasized on the hospital ESIC where she works is fully Corona dedicated hospital where more than 90% patients got recovered and got back to their normal lives.

A few things that need to be taken care of are we need to maintain safe distance at least of 6mtrs and clean our hands often with soap and water, or sanitizer.

Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.

Stay home if you feel unwell. Also, she highlights the headlines that have been cropping up across that around 90% of people with comparatively stronger immune system will experience a relatively mild form of the disease, and it automatically gets cured over the period of time under necessary observations.

So, over and above taking precautions it is more important to take care of our health by eating healthy, by working out and mainly by not stressing out, take a few minutes each day to meditate, practice good sleep habits and stay socially connected with friends via text, video or a phone call.

We are getting to spend some quality time with our near and dear ones which we otherwise tend to ignore in our busy schedules.

She also mentioned if at all we are in any unavoidable situation where we have to go out of our houses, don’t forget to wear masks and gloves.

Dr. Brig. SS Pabla says, “In times of crisis like we’re experiencing now we need to stay strong and be aware of the precautions we need to take instead of being scared about it.”

 Bhartiya Skill Development University organizes Expert Webinar against COVID-19

Prof. Achintya Choudhury, President BSDU further adds, “Prevention is key in limiting the spread of coronavirus, no one else will save us but we ourselves. We ourselves must walk the path of caution to ensure our own safety.’’

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