Awakening with the ancient Science of Kriya Yoga


Awakening with the ancient Science of Kriya Yoga

Hundreds attend Open Experiential Public Satsang by Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath

Sincere seekers who wish to be initiated into the sacred fast track evolutionary practice of Kundalini Kriya Yoga in Chandigarh got a great opportunity to receive direct Empowerment here today at Bhavan Vidyalaya by Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, a rare Satguru and a living Kriya Yoga Master who belongs to the ancient Nath yogic lineage

The spiritual practice of Kriya Yoga which has been preserved and handed down through the lineage of the great Nath Yogis, deals with the highest evolution of humanity.The satsang gave a rare opportunity to interact with Yogiraj once again in an open public forum.

His Teachings and PracticesYogiraj’s teachings are simple yet profound. They include practical tools and techniques which aidpractitioners in rejuvenating the body, mind and soul, eliminate emotional suffering, and generate mentalclarity and concentration.

Yogiraj while delivering Open Experiential Public Satsangexplained, “The human being in today’s world condition somehow cannot control everything which he/she thought they could and at certain times they are helpless due to the aberrant state of their own temperament. He further adds, “To live in peaceful coexistence, humanity needs to practice a technique as a way of life. Kriya Yoga, the science of the breath ,rightly called the lightning path to self realisation, not only brings peace and order, it increases, improves and enhances the quality of life ; using your very breath as a tool for your own salvation.”  

Awakening with the ancient Science of Kriya Yoga

Therefore, he emphasised, “Be the architect of your own happiness with the practice of Kriya Yoga.”About Kriya Yog, Yogiraj said, “To practice Kriya Yoga, you don’t have to be a believer in God, or a non-believer in God. You don’t have to be a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian. You can be just what you are and reap the benefits of the practice and see yourself evolve”.


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