Anubha Arora, who will soon be seen in the highly anticipated film Yudhra alongside Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malavika Mohanan, opened up about her experience working with the talented actor. The actress reflected on her time on set and the valuable lessons she learned from Siddhant, who has made a name for himself as a self-made star in the industry.
Recalling her shooting days, Anubha shared, “Siddhant is a self-made actor, and I really had a great time shooting with him. I got to learn a lot of things from him.”
She went on to reveal a special moment during filming when Siddhant complimented her acting skills. “One day, after seeing my performance on the monitor, Siddhant praised me for my acting. He also motivated me to be patient and persistent and shared experiences from his own journey. He is quite a genuine and a sweet guy.”
Anubha expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to work with Siddhant, calling the experience both inspiring and humbling. She added, “I feel fortunate to have worked alongside him. He’s not just an incredible actor but also a down-to-earth and kind person.”
Yudhra, a psychological thriller packed with action, promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The film is set to be released on the 20th, and fans are eagerly awaiting its arrival. On the work front, Anubha Arora is known for her work in Tera Kya Hoga Lovely, played one of the prominent roles alongside Ileana Dcruz, Randeep Hooda, Vaarun Sharma, and many more, which was released in March this year. Anubha was also seen in films like Janhit Mein Jaari alongside Nushrratt Bharuccha and Satellite Shankar. With Yudhra, Anubha Arora’s fans are eager to see her step into this thrilling new role, which promises to showcase her talent.