The film delivers an inspiring narrative that touches on crucial themes such as education, empowerment, love, societal transformation, and the hurdles faced by women. Set in a rural village, the story follows the journey of Geeta (played by Kashika Kapoor), a young woman whose parents are determined that she completes her matriculation before marriage. This emotional story underscores the importance of education for girls, particularly in rural areas.
As the plot unfolds, Kundan (played by Anuj Saini) falls in love with Geeta and wishes to marry her. However, Geeta’s father rejects the proposal, emphasizing the importance of her completing her education. Despite societal challenges, love blossoms between Geeta and Kundan, leading to a conflict that exposes the deep-rooted traditions and struggles of the village.
Kashika Kapoor, speaking about the film, shared, “I’m thrilled that the trailer is finally out. With *Aayushmati Geeta Matric Pass, I aim to bring about a meaningful change and inspire education for the girl child in rural areas. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this project, and I truly hope the audience connects with it. We’ve created this film with immense love, shedding light on a topic that’s been talked about but never fully explored. I can’t wait for everyone to experience it in theatres on October 18th.”*
With its perfect blend of drama, romance, and a powerful social message, Aayushmati Geeta Matric Pass is set to leave a lasting impact on audiences.
*Watch the trailer now: [*Aayushmati Geeta Matric Pass Trailer](