50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad , SMS, Whatsapp Status, DP


50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad , SMS, Whatsapp Status, DP

There are a lot of ways to say happy birthday dad, so it can be hard to figure what to say

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad , SMS, Whatsapp Status, DP:There are a lot of ways to say happy birthday dad, so it can be hard to figure what to say and how to word it. For many of us, our fathers are one of the main guiding forces in our lives. They are who we call when we need solutions to a problem. They are who we call when we need guidance. Fathers are a store house of wisdom and lessons learned. They do their best to make sure we have all the opportunities they didn’t have.

So when his birthday rolls around don’t just say happy birthday. Give him a birthday wish that will warm his heart, bring him a smile, or let him know how important he is to you. I’ve put together this list to help you brainstorm how you want to say happy birthday. I hope you find the perfect birthday wish for your dad!
Happy birthday dad
Happy Birthday Dad Wishes

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad SMS Whatsapp Status DP

1. Great fathers are the ones who guide their children, but still let them make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes. Happy birthday to the wisest man I know!

2. The best scotch is aged scotch. I didn’t get you aged scotch, it’s just a metaphor, and way too expensive. Should I have gotten you scotch? Maybe one of those airplane bottles… Oh yeah, I almost forgot, happy birthday!

3. I know I don’t say it often, but I really do appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work you put into raising me. Happy birthday dad, I love you.

4. Happy birthday to the man I respect and love more than any other.

5. Real heroes don’t wear capes, they make bad puns. Thank you for being a real hero dad. Happy birthday!

6. Have you ever noticed that the worse a dad’s jokes are, the better father they are? Well now at least we know why your dad jokes are so terrible. I hope your birthday is much better than your jokes!

7. Every birthday you have means another year you made our lives special! Thank you, dad.

8. I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday this weekend. There will be good food, good company, good laughs, and it’s all for you pops.

9. Happy birthday to the hardest working man I know. I’m so proud that you are my dad.

10. I know whatever happens, I can always count on you dad. Happy birthday to the most reliable dad around!

11. Another year older and another year wiser. You’ve helped guide me throughout my life with some great advice. I hope you’ll continue to help me navigate the choppy waters of life.

12. Wear your gray hairs proudly dad. They are memories of how terrible I was as a child. Thanks for not killing me dad.

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

13. It’s not easy being a father, but you do it with class and style. Happy birthday to the dad who can do it all.

14. Candles! Cake! Ice cream! Presents! Dad! Birthday! Can you tell I’m excited for your birthday?

15. Happy birthday to the man who fought all the monsters under the bed and in the closet. Thank you for always making me feel safe!

16. Dad, you are just like a busy student. You’ve got a lot of class. Happy birthday!

17. We wanted to get you a cake with a candle for every year, but the fire department said it would be a fire hazard. Oh well, happy birthday anyway!

18. I wish I could be there to wish you happy birthday in person, but just know that you are in my heart and I’m thinking about you on your special day. Happy birthday dad, can’t wait to see you again!
I haven’t always been the best kid, but that didn’t stop you from being the best dad.

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

19. I haven’t always been the best kid, but that didn’t stop you from being the best father. Happy birthday dad!

20. I tried to think of something beautifully poetic to write for your birthday. But instead I thought I would just give it to you straight. Thank you dad; for everything you have done for me. You are just the best kind of person. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it.

21. We can’t choose who our father is, but if I had a choice I would still choose you. Happy birthday to the king of dads!

22. Getting older is hard, but you do it with style!

23. You can always seem to make me crack a smile even when I’m at my lowest. Thank you for bringing so much laughter into the world.

24. Happy birthday daddy, I hope you get everything you want on your special day.

25. So, I got you a present. But my real gift is in this card. Here it is: Go type reddit dad jokes in Google. You can thank me later. Happy birthday dad!

26. Good thing they have those big number candles. Now I don’t have to spend the whole day filling the cake with tons and tons of candles. More time I can spend with my wonderful father!

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

27. As you get older you’ll start forgetting lots of things. Just never forget how much I love you!

28. Don’t worry dad, you’re not going bald you’re just becoming more aerodynamic!

29. When I think about the golden oldies, I think about you! You’ve only gotten better with age!

30. Happy birthday…. father… I hope… you…… have a wonderful…… birthday. Did you like my Captain Kirk impression?

31. Happy birthday to the best dad I’ve ever had! … And probably the best dad that anyone has ever had.

32. Today is your special day! But every day is a special day for you dad. Because you are special. In a good way.

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

33. For your birthday wish, go big or go home! I hope you wildest dreams come true this year.

34. You make me laugh when I’m sad. You are patient when I make mistakes. You are the best dad a kid could ever ask for.

35. Blow out the candles with the knowledge that you are the best father a child could ask for!

36. I know we don’t always see eye to eye on everything. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love and respect you. Happy birthday dad!
Happy birthday dad you’re the best dad anyone could ask for!

37. Remember it’s not the years in a life. It’s the beers in the years. Drink up dad, it’s your birthday!

38. I couldn’t think of anything to write. Please just act like I wrote something really touching. Maybe pretend like you are trying not to cry. If anyone asks to see the card just say it’s too personal. Thanks dad, you are the best! …. Now smile and close the card.

39. Happy birthday and thanks for never strangling me Homer Simpson style even though I probably deserved it.

40. Now that I have kids of my own, I see how hard it is to be a good father. I just hope I can do as good a job at it as you did.

41. Well dad, as the birthdays pile up, I have just one question. When are you going to start rocking the sandals and black socks? Please tell me it will be at least a few more years.

42. Here’s to a dad that brought home the bacon! Well, mom probably brought it home actually. And she usually cooked it. But dad sure paid for it! Thanks dad for always making sure we had everything we needed.

43. I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays pops, I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more!

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

44. Birthdays are great for your health dad. The more you have, the longer you live!

45. Thanks for all those times you didn’t tell mom. Just know you’ve got a lot of favors you can call in.

46. Sure, everyone says they have the best father, but I think we all know who the real best dad is. You. Happy birthday!

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad , SMS, Whatsapp Status, DP

47. When someone asks me who I look up to most, I always say you.

48. When I was a kid I had to look up to you, because you were so much taller than me. Now that I’m older, I look up to you because you are an amazing man. Happy birthday dad.

50 Ways to Say Happy Birthday to Dad  SMS Whatsapp Status DP
49. Life is meant to be enjoyed. I hope this year brings you all the happiness you deserve.

50. When I see you smile, the whole world lights up.

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