Online session on“ Soft skills,Career Guidance,Personality&Aptitude Development”


Online session on“ Soft skills,Career Guidance,Personality&Aptitude Development”

Chandigarh State NSS Cell of  Department of Education, Chandigarh in collaboration with Bullseye Chandigarh organized an exclusive free live online session on “ Soft skills, Career Guidance, Personality and Aptitude Development” for NSS volunteers and other students of all schools and colleges of Chandigarh on May Friday. More than 400+ participants including NSS program officers, teachers and students attended the session.

The session was conducted by Mr Bikram Singh Rana state Liaison Officer NSS UT chandigarh   Bullseye Co-Founder & successful entrepreneur Mr Hirdesh Madan, and renowned corporate Trainer Mrs Poonam Aswani.

Sh Rubinderjit Singh Brar PCS director Higher and School Education UT  chandigarh and Dr kamal kumar kar  Assistant Program Advisor NSS, Ministry of youth affairs and sports, New Delhi were the honorable chief guests.

This initiative was taken by Mr Bikram Singh Rana,state liaison officer State NSS Cell department of education UT and supported by Bullseye as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. Bullseye was forthcoming to support this noble cause to ensure learning doesn’t stop for the students under the COVID-19 lockdown.

Online session on“ Soft skills,Career Guidance,Personality&Aptitude Development”

Since it is becoming apparent that the social distancing measures will remain in place for the foreseeable future, online education may be the best option for students. In order to get students started with online education, Bullseye has agreed to provide FREE learning material to students for  weeks along with live lectures to improve their career prospects, states Mr Rana. Ms Harender kaur regional director NSS chanigarh also addressed  the participant .

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