How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus


How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

The Government of India announced a nationwide lockdown for 21 days in a bid to curb the accelerated spread of COVID-19 in the country. The lockdown was implemented to contain the infection.


As many as 1.3 billion people are trying their best to fight this virus together. The number of infected cases as on 01 April 2020 has crossed 1500, and the deceased are 55 to date in India. It is thus, more important for each individual to adopt protective measures to ensure his or her own safety, as well as that of those in their vicinity. Are you following these instructions and ensuring that your family does, too? Here’s a checklist of steps to ensure that you protect yourself and your family from coronavirus. But first, let’s understand how it spreads.

How does Coronavirus Spread?

It is crucial to learn how the disease spreads to understand how to protect yourself from it. Primarily, the spread of the virus can be attributed to person-to-person contamination. It can happen in two ways:

  1. By being in close contact with an infected person (at a distance of six feet or less) or
  2. Through the respiratory droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land on your mouth and nose, and, in turn, be inhaled into your lungs.

Apart from this, you also stand the chance of being infected by coming into contact with a surface contaminated with the virus and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes.

The rapid transmission of the disease is one of the biggest causes of concern in containing it. Further, while healthy, young individuals are relatively at less risk of getting infected, studies find that COVID-19 can be especially dangerous and even fatal for elderly individuals, and those with underlying health conditions.

Senior citizens, infants and those with underlying health conditions can adopt these measures to protect themselves.

Tips to Protect Yourself from Contracting Coronavirus

  • Wash/Disinfect your Hands Often

Wash your hands thoroughly, and as often as possible, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you do not have access to soap and water, use a 60 per cent alcohol-based sanitizer

to disinfect your hands. Follow this measure strictly after using the bathroom, eating, sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.

Also, refrain from touching your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands.

  • Practice Social Isolation

With the lockdown in place, the government has issued strict orders to practice social isolation. It includes maintaining at least a six-feet distance from other people, avoiding contact with people who are sick and remaining in isolation if you are sick.

  • Restrict Your Travels

You must ensure that you restrict your travels until the pandemic has been contained. The government has suspended all travel in India and has advised individuals not to leave their homes unless for an emergency. It is one of the most important tips to follow, to protect yourself from contracting this disease.

Now, while these are a few generic protective measures suggested by WHO and other such bodies, one must also be aware of how the disease spreads to exercise maximum protection against its spread.

Tips for Senior Citizens to Protect Themselves from Coronavirus

As per reports procured from China and Italy, the death toll from the virus was significantly high among geriatrics above 60 years of age and higher for those above 80 years of age. Thus, those belonging to this age group, especially with underlying health problems like diabetes, asthma and hypertension must adopt stringent measures to protect themselves from the virus. While following the tips is important, they must also undertake these additional steps to minimise the chances of contamination

Keep your kids isolated from crowds but make sure they are engaged in activities.

How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Who must Practice Complete Self-Isolation During this Disease?

Those with conditions like diabetes, asthma, heart conditions and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases must ensure that they are practising complete self-isolation during this period of uncertainty.Family members must maintain at least six-feet distance from each other.

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