3 Super Link Building Strategies that Work Best for Your Small Business


3 Super Link Building Strategies that Work Best for Your Small Business

Do you have a small business? If it is so, then link building is not a cakewalk, especially when you have a small-scale business. That is because you do not have a dedicated in-house SEO team to work for your small company. Similarly, do not have internal staff to churn out quality content. And since you operate on a small scale, it is not easy for your company to attract quality links like a popular brand. Fret not. We are not here to scare you off or discourage you. Even though you have a small setup, it is possible to build quality links, maybe a little challenging. Then, big organizations have their challenges.

When it comes to link building, all it takes is some time, effort, and hard work. You need credible links to give your website the authority and context online. For example, if you have two websites, one with 5,000 links and another with 500 links, which do you think is more credible according to Google. Of course, the one with 5,000 links provided they are quality ones. You will need to campaign for getting links if they are not so easy to come by. Here are three smart link building tips that will prove beneficial for your small business:

  1. Build Rapport with Niche and Local Bloggers

Do you know about the local and well-known bloggers in your industry? If not, try knowing them without much ado. Bloggers who create quality content provide readers with useful information on a regular basis. Just like other bloggers, they have writer’s block and fall short of new and creative ideas. Now, this is your opportunity to give them that unique idea. All you need to do is follow these content creators on social media platforms or subscribe to their blogs. You can comment on their blog or share their content if you find the content interesting. It is one of the best ways to develop genuine relationships with popular bloggers in your industry.

3 Super Link Building Strategies that Work Best for Your Small Business

Read their content carefully and figure out where it may make sense to add your name in the process. For example, if you sell cakes, you may ask these bloggers to include your name in their blog of birthday celebration ideas. The key to success is sharing something that is relevant and useful for the readers. Remember that these bloggers have a certain influence and their content delights their customers. Help them in their effort, and they will help you with backlinks. According to https://www.searchenginejournal.com, as a small business owner, you have a fair chance to pursue small bloggers. They may not have the status of a celebrity blogger or possess that domain authority, but their focus on the niche market will make their backlinks relevant for your website.

  1. Lend Support to Your Local Community

When it comes to non-profit or charitable organizations, they keep looking for sponsors. Even a single sponsorship tier will add backlinks to a sponsor’s website. Look for organizations you can help with sponsorship. Find out if they host some fundraising events. Besides traditional organizations, focus on schools and for-profit events too. An individual looking for a sponsor is a possible backlink person for you. Such sponsorship should work well for your business. You can align it with your industry or physical business. To take your link building strategy to the next level, sponsor something that your targeted audience likes to use. Avoid sponsoring just anyone or just for the heck of it. Your goal is to not simply to get backlinks, but reach out to your customers and provide them with what they love.

Your focus should not be solely to achieve links, but those links should also drive quality traffic to your website. This strategy will require some investment, but it will cost you much less than other link building tactics. You do not need to develop a powerful relationship with only event sponsors. You do not even need to persuade them why you deserve a link. All you need do is send the money for the sponsorship tier, and you will receive all the things that are included. Additionally, you can download Instagram videos of the non-profit organization you sponsor, and share their visuals on social platforms to develop a better relationship with the organization.

  1. Write Guest Posts for Sites That Are Relevant

You must have read about this tactic many times. If yes, go ahead with this strategy because it works. However, guest blogging will take your time and effort. It does not happen overnight. Start by researching quality sites that accept guest posts. Look for the editor’s email details or contact information. Take some time out of your busy schedule and brainstorm a unique and persuasive topic that you want to write. Convincingly write the pitch. Read the guidelines very carefully before you pitch. If you do not understand the first time, read it again. When you get the approval to write the guest post, start writing. It calls for a lot of hard work and effort, but the results are beneficial.

When it comes to guest posts, they will offer more than just backlinks. When you succeed to write a quality guest post on a relevant site, your targeted audience will read the article, and drive quality traffic to your website. Besides, when you have a byline on such quality sites, you can enhance the status and value of your brand.

Pitch for sites that are smaller, but relevant to your business. Avoid attempting the bigger sites initially. For example, if you are into personal finance, write posts for sites that engaged readership instead of publishing on giant sites such as the Wall Street Journal.

3 Super Link Building Strategies that Work Best for Your Small Business


So link building works very well for small businesses. And why not, when you know the tricks of the trade! Though this is not a comprehensive list, the tips shared in this article will help you in your link building strategies. Focus where you want to use your hard work and efforts. Spend some time researching, and you will benefit.


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