29 of 811 Launching India’s First TB Survivors’ Manifesto- Tuberculosis: India’s Ticking Time Bomb



This World TB Day we are proud to launch a unique report: Tuberculosis—India’s Ticking Time Bomb: The Survivors’ Manifesto, published by Speaking Tiger .
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This publication is India’s first ever TB survivors’ manifesto, discussing the key issues that impact the TB affected, in the context of their own experiences of fighting and surviving TB.
For the first time, survivors and patients have worked to identify the issues that are relevant from a patient perspective, and discuss them using an analytical framework. The survivors offer suggestions for action and improvement for each of the issues.
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The book has been introduced by Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Deputy Director General, World Health Organisation (WHO) and edited by Chapal Mehra, Convenor, Survivors Against TB (SATB).
Each chapter addresses a different aspect of tackling TB in India. It begins with each author’s own story of battling TB and links it to the focus area.
29 of 811   Launching India's First TB Survivors' Manifesto- Tuberculosis: India's Ticking Time BombTHE book is available electronically and in print.  We would be happy to send it across should you be interested in it. In the meantime, please find attached the press releases, author bios photos, as well as the extracts from the introduction of the book.  
We would be delighted to coordinate any extract requests, interviews and reporting opportunities with you for the purposes of dissemination of the book.


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