100 students attend Organ Donation Awareness Workshop ‘Bano India Ke Angdaata’ at GGDSD College

100 students attend Organ Donation Awareness Workshop ‘Bano India Ke Angdaata’ at GGDSD
The post graduate department of Journalism and Mass Communication in association with *BIG FM* hosted *“Bano India Ke Angdaata”* a *Pan India* organ donation awareness event at Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College, Sector 32, Chandigarh
The event featured Dr. Navdeep Bansal  from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, educated attendees on the life-saving impact of organ donation and debunked prevalent myths. He stated, “Every organ donor has the potential to save up to eight lives. It’s time we spread awareness and encourage more people to pledge.”
 RJ Vandita* and  RJ Gurri* from BIG FM actively engaged the audience, encouraging them to pledge as organ donors. RJ Vandita remarked, “Being an organ donor is one of the most profound gifts you can give; it’s a chance for someone else to live.”
Principal of the college, Dr. Ajay Sharma, appreciated the active participation of students  and stated that such an initiative not only educates the community but also brings us together for a noble cause.
The event saw the *participation of more than 100 students* and was coordinated by Dr Priya Chadha, Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.


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