Final Semester Students of CGC Jhanjeri Shine


Final Semester Students of CGC Jhanjeri Shine

45 students of B. Tech and B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture capture SGPA of 10

CGC Jhanjeri Shine

The students of Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri once again established their academic excellence in the results of final semester examination declared by IKGPTU, Jalandhar. In B. Tech courses, 25 students of Civil Engg, 13 of ECE and 06 of Mechanical Engg while 01 student of B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture have passed this exit semester examination securing the highest possible Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of 10. Infact total no. of students having passed this examination with SGPA Grade Range of 9 and above, includes 147 of CSE, 82 of Civil, 37 of ECE, 41 of Mechanical and 34 of B. Sc. (Hons) Agriculture. As such, in all 341 students out of a total of 617 students of these courses have passed this examination with SGPA of more than 9.

Rashpal Singh Dhaliwal, President, CGC congratulated all the students and Faculty members for the hard work done by them in bringing this honour to the college. He said that inspite of extremely difficult conditions created by Covid-19, this achievement reflects the true dedication of the staff and students of CGC Jhanjeri. Dr G. D. Bansal, Director General added that right from the day of first lock down in March 2020, the college has made elaborate arrangements for a highly interactive online teaching and learning process so that the academic standards are maintained under all circumstances.

The feedback taken from the students from time to time revealed that barring the students having Internet issues, all other students are completely satisfied with the online lectures of the teachers. Dr Bansal added that in addition to teaching, Placement activities of the students have been going on in full swing during the entire lockdown period also. He further said that although new semester is starting from 3rd August 2020, to ensure timely completion and revision of all courses, online classes have already been started by the college with effect from 15th July 2020.

Final Semester Students of CGC Jhanjeri Shine

Dr Bansal is confident that even in this difficult time, the college will be able to maintain its reputation of being known for Academic Excellence and Quality Placements.


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